Casanello orders the search of the Villa Martelli food warehouse | Pettovello, becoming increasingly complicated

Minister Sandra Pettovello has added a new chapter to the scandal surrounding food in the Human Capital warehouses: Judge Sebastian Casanello orders a search of the ministry’s food warehouse in Villa Martelli. The Taffy Viejo warehouse was raided on Friday.

The police should be competent to act as per the orders of the magistrate Check the list of products sent by Ministry of Human Capital “Regarding the type of product, brand, batch and quantity of food and their respective entry and expiration dates.” Likewise, it must also be possible to identify if these foods have a destination, that “the shipment or any other identification document must be provided” and that “information about all other merchandise found there must be provided.”

,Stop messing with lies, rhetoric and arrogance.Present a distribution plan. Restore meal programs,” he said. Juan GraboisAfter learning of the judge’s order, the leader of Patria Grande and the complainant in the case

This Friday, Casanello informed the Federal Chamber The Ministry of Human Capital failed to comply with its order to present a “distribution plan” for the 5.9 million kilos of products “stored” in warehouses in Villa Martelli and Tucumán. According to the notification, “taking into account its type, quantity, expiry date and target group.” The magistrate had given them a 72-hour reprieve, which expired yesterday Friday morning.

The only document presented is the one containing the list of all the goods, their acquisition and expiry date, which revealed the existence of 339,867 kilos of powdered milk expiring in July, in addition to 40 kilos of rice with vegetables expiring in February, among other things.

pettovello -he He has been in office for six months without food delivery– A statement announced that “a protocol is being put in place for the immediate delivery of soon-to-expire food through the Argentine Army to guarantee fast and efficient logistics.” But, Casanello said, so far this has not happened.

Casanello search warrant

Raid at Tafí Viejo

In Tucumán, federal judge José Manuel Díaz Vélez ordered the search of the human capital warehouse located in Tafí Viejo at the request of federal prosecutor Agustín Chit, who intervened following a complaint filed by representatives of social organizations.

As prescribed, There will be no expired goodsBut powdered milk with an expiry date in September is available.

Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni claimed on social media that “they did not find anything that had expired, much less goods in bad condition. Good luck to everyone. Finished.”

Support of the Minister

Despite the scandal and calls for his resignation, Gov. Pettovello steps in to defend shutdown. On Friday, Adorni assured that the minister was “number one” and stressed that the food in the warehouses was for emergency cases.

The ruling party modified its script of justifications throughout the week. After the revelation that there were five thousand tons of undistributed food, they first argued that they were used for “disasters”, then they spoke of “truck eaters” and, finally, they recognized the irregularities and admitted that, while the social crisis has gotten worse, they were due to expire thousands of kilos of flour, powdered milk and rice.

Now, Government targets Kirchnerism and social movements. Former Interior Minister Guillermo Francos, who has been turned into Chief of Staff, assured that “a part of the political opposition, especially the Kirchnerists and the Social Movement” want Pettovello to leave because the ministry is “a loot for those who want to use it for electoral purposes”.

Likewise, he assured that the Head of Human Capital “was not aware” of approximately six tons of food that were spoiling after the audit stopped deliveries to the dining rooms. Francos defended him, saying “This is a fact unnoticed by the minister.”,

Even the Pablo De La TorrePettovello, the former Secretary of Children and Families, resigned due to the scandal and was later denounced for corruption, He came out to accuse “Kirchnerism infiltration” in the government,

“My conscience is clear and my hands are clean. I am proud to have fought alongside Minister Pettovello in the battle against the managers of poverty. I will not allow myself to be intimidated by the Kirchnerists who have infiltrated the government. “I died before I got dirty,” he tweeted.

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