check out Sueldazo, Mi Día and Super Once today, Sunday, January 14th.
In a few minutes you will be able to find out the result Sueldazo, Mi Día and Super Once today, Sunday, January 14, 2024. Check your ONE number and find out if you’ve won today’s draw.
Salary ONCE
Winning number in the drawing Salary ONCE from today Sunday, January 14, 2024 was X from the series X.
Numbers awarded 24,000 euros annually for 10 years at ONCE Sueldazo:
Number: X Row: X
Number: X Row: X
Number: X Row: X
Number: X Row: X
The final prize of the Sueldazo draw is 5,000 euros per month, of which 300,000 euros in cash. You can win one of 4 second prizes, which are distributed over 10 years, at 2000 euros per month.
The prizes that you can accumulate in the Sueldazo draw belong to the 1st and 2nd categories with the opportunity to claim them within 30 calendar days from the day following the draw. If the 2nd category prize was not sold in the draw, the amount of €240,000 can be accumulated in the next draw. Various combinations are selected from 100,000 different numbers and serial numbers from 1 to 55.
Check out the My Day of Eleven giveaway
He result of today’s ONCE My Day drawSunday, January 14, 2024 awarded the day Xlucky number X.
In the ONCE My Day draw you need to choose the most special date. Every Thursday, you can try to win the ONCE lottery jackpot if you match the winning combination of a specific date and a lucky number. Every Thursday there is a My Day lottery and you can choose any important date to be the winner of a €1 combination. .
To register your bet, you will need to select a day, month and year from the 36,525 offered in the drawing. The draw gives you the opportunity to choose a lucky number that corresponds to a winning combination from 1 to 11. Various prizes are offered every Thursday depending on the amount collected and the participants. The fixed prize categories offer 5, 2 and 1 euro for matching only the year, day, month and lucky number.
Super Eleven
winning combination in today’s Super Eleven drawSunday, January 14, 2024 X.
You can choose between 5 and 11 different numbers from a matrix of up to 80 numbers, regardless of order. The ONCE draw produces a winning combination of 20 numbers, with prizes varying depending on the number of numbers matched and the type of bet paid.
Each combination of 11 numbers allows you to win up to a million euros by paying 1 euro per bet. The draw offers the chance to win the final prize three times a day, every day: 10:00, 12:00 and 21:15 (Peninsula time).
Depending on the number of selected numbers, 7 types of bets are available: 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 or 5.
Note. The only valid official results for the Sueldazo, Mi Día and Super Once draws are those published by the National Organization of the Blind of Spain (ONCE). HuffPost is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this article.