Cuban died in custody of island’s prison officials

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Monday 8 January 2024

Relatives and friends of a Cuban national who died in state custody are demanding justice after the circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear.

Through social networks they condemn the case that “Rolevis León, a resident of the Desengano area, was imprisoned in the Las Canaletas prison center in the city of Perico, Matanzas, for leaving the country illegally.”

In this regard, they explain that “a few days ago he was refusing to eat food, there they beat him and under the pretext of taking him to Aguica they took him to the Mario Muñoz Hospital where they isolated him so that the family could recover I did not see the beating and unfortunately the man died”.

The complainant indicates that “State Security and the DTI did not allow anyone to take photos or anything at the funeral home and there was a military presence of senior officers and security personnel in civilian clothes to conceal this fact. Legal The medic was the one who dressed the deceased because they did not want him to do so. Relatives witnessed beatings, injuries and visible conditions of police abuse. The man died 3 days after the beating, his family and friends demand justice of.

In an updated publication they gave details of an alleged person involved in the incident and assured that this is not the first time that they have been involved in cases of this type.

“Lieutenant Colonel Juan Alberto García, known as Arana, had several years earlier killed another prisoner with kicks and punches, whereupon he was removed from his post as Chief of Internal Order only for such a crime Today he is a lieutenant colonel and Maderos, head of prisons, returns and prisons, will assassinate this other prisoner and install this murderer as the first head of the unit.

“His family is demanding justice, and Legal Medicine, which is the same police, gave another medical report of “fulminating meningo”, which is completely false as the recent blows are clearly visible, here Even on the forehead, I could not attend Colon’s funeral at home,”

They warn.

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