Cubana explains how an aircraft frame became part of her home in Havana

A woman who lived in a house that reused pieces of a plane that crashed into another plane in Havana in 1976 described how her father, an employee at José Martí International Airport, came up with the idea to use the wreckage The fuselage of one of the planes can be used to make part of your house.

“This is the DC-8, the first DC-8 to enter Cuba, which collided with ‘A Patico’ (AN-24). The ‘Patico’ was of no use. The Canadians immediately came to Cuba, they started DC To break up the -8 and take whatever was important and leave the fuselage, and my father, who worked at the airport at the time, when he saw they were crashing, he told them, ‘ Wait, because I already have my room there, son,” the home owner told the television channel in statements. TIC Toc Cubannews.

The woman, who recalls the unique incident with pride, says her father transported the plane’s parts in a truck, which somehow landed on the ground.

curious building This attracted the attention of neighbors and passersby, forcing them to try to wall off the area to scare away curious onlookers. Currently the fuselage is in the train yard and is not visible from the road.

Over time he expanded the house, and part of the plane was converted into a kind of living room, which communicates with the rest of the house. There are some chairs to rest at this place.

“In the summer it’s an oven, it’s pure steam but as soon as the sun goes down it’s the only place in the summer you can be”observed the owner of the place, while another member of the family assured that the structure also resists the passage of cyclones very well.

The house and its exclusive enclosed area are located behind the Havana Psychiatric Hospital in the Municipality of Boyeros, popularly known as “Majorra”.

On March 18, 1976, a DC-8-43 aircraft (registration CU-T1200) collided in mid-air with an AN-24 (registration CU-T829) during a training flight near Havana.

The DC-8 was able to land without problems despite losing part of a wing and an engine, but the An-24 crashed on the ground and its five crew members died.

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