Daniel Sancho’s interpreter in prison: “Under his good appearance is a scared and nervous boy”

Exclusive conversation with Antena3’s ‘And Now Sonsols’ program Daniel Sancho’s interpreter In Koh Samui prison, where he is under temporary detention.

Pichet Wirathongchai is the person who has been closest to Daniel during these months. He met him for the first time in jail andl November 16, 2023 And in the Sonsols program Onega tells how the Spaniard is experiencing the whole process.

Wirathongchai knows what his side is, how he has been in prison, what his concerns are and he has helped Sancho prepare what he is going to say at the trial.

The interpreter also knows Daniel’s father, Rodolfo Sancho, whom he has seen on more occasions than the young Spaniard, He assured that, although their relationship is completely professional, he has felt a ‘feeling’ with her from the first moment and that he “worries a lot about his son.”

He also thinks this about actors he is a good father Who is trying to do the best for his son. He also admitted that Rodolfo had only one request: that he help his son.

Similarly he also comments on it He never spoke to Sancho’s mother, Sylvia Bronchiello. He has seen him only in court.

A Daniel Sancho “scared and nervous”

Wirathongchai tells of the feelings Sancho expressed to him in prison How were your first contacts?,

“He is a very handsome, brilliant man, but beneath that figure he seemed nervous, frightened and shaken,” said the interpreter, who confessed that when they met Daniel didn’t know much about the laws from Thailand.

He got scared and said very fast, “too much for me”, “I started asking them simple questions and it was an opportunity for me to explain to them what the law is like in Thailand,” he said.

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