David Villa “Rescuer” with the popularization of sports

David Villaformer football player Atlético Madrid, among other clubs and the best scorer in the history of the Spanish national team, is a benchmark for many. His long career was built not only on his talent, but also on his professionalism. A player who took great care of himself, respected meals, breaks, etc.

Therefore, who better than him to spearhead a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of sports in preventing cardiovascular risks. Asturian with a journalist Olga Visaface of the campaign led by

Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC), Spanish Society of Atherosclerosis (SEA), That Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC) And FEC Patient Platform.

The institutions, together with a former footballer and journalist, presented the “Lifeguard” campaign, which aims to raise awareness among the population about how the practice of physical exercise, among other factors such as a healthy diet or adherence to a treatment regimen, can reduce levels of poor cholesterol and cardiovascular risk.

And this is one of the most alarming health issues in our current society. So much so that data National Institute of Statistics to cite a terrifying figure: more than 120,000 people die every year in Spain due to cardiovascular diseases.

Cholesterol is one of the major risk factors responsible for 60% of heart diseases. Cholesterol LDLknown as “bad” cholesterol, is one of the risk factors for developing Atherosclerotic vascular disease (AVD), Its persistent accumulation in the blood can lead to the formation of atheromatous plaques on the walls of the arteries.

IN Spainevery second person has a high level LDL-C12 and only 46.4% know about it. Available scientific evidence shows that physical activity affects the control of blood cholesterol levels and can increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce bad cholesterol levels (LDL).


Lack of physical activity is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and according to recent data Eurobarometer47% of Spaniards do not do any sport or exercise. World Health Organization They recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. Yes in Europe recommendations WHO Each year, 3.8 million cases of cardiovascular disease could potentially be prevented and more than 10,000 premature deaths could be prevented.

“Those of us who are fortunate enough to dedicate ourselves to professional sports have all the tools to check our hearts and avoid risks,” he commented. David Villa in the campaign presentation.

The Asturian stressed that “you don’t have to be an elite athlete to play sports” and that, having been retired for more than five years, he continues to do it as a way to feel good and take care of his health, like any other person. Does anyone else have this condition? Healthy habit. “For me, sport is simple because it is a way of life. I first devoted myself to this when I was a little boy; then as a professional footballer; and now as a person who loves sports,” he said.

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