Desperate viral video of blood-curdling bird and kitten on social networks

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In the past few hours, a video of a bird and a kitten went viral on X (formerly Twitter), which sometimes makes the blood run cold.

By: Clarins

The final dramatic twist works almost as an optical illusion, as the kitten was never actually in danger.

In the clip you can see a cat being chased by a bird, which according to Twitter @gnuman1979, who shared the video, is an eagle or a harrier.

When the eagle is about to attack him, the frightened cat climbs off the fake hood (which was actually the interior of the vehicle) and hides in the steering wheel, realizing that in reality the two animals were always separated by the windshield. Were.

The video has received approximately 6.7 million views on X (as of December 31, 2023) and over 34 thousand likes. Below, in the comments, users, as always, demonstrated all their originality.

One of the most liked comments on the clip was, “That poor kitten, obviously someone is in that car and didn’t hold the kitten or hug it but left it in shock for the video.” Gave.”

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