Despite anger from hostages’ families, Netanyahu rejects Hamas proposal to end war

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, this Sunday rejected Hamas’ proposal to “end the war” in Gaza in exchange for the release of all hostages in three stages, prompting relatives of detainees to launch a new protest.

“I categorically reject the surrender terms of the Hamas demons,” Netanyahu said in a video released by his office in an apparent response to information revealed today about a proposal for a new agreement brokered by Qatar and Egypt.

According to Netanyahu, in exchange for the release of all hostages, Hamas demands “an end to the war”, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, and the release of “all the murderers and rapists of the Nuhakba” (Hamas’ elite forces). military) and leave Hamas intact.

Protest by relatives of the kidnapped

In the face of Netanyahu’s vehement denials, Some families of the kidnapped people marched towards the Israeli Prime Minister’s residence tonightIn the Rehavia neighborhood of Jerusalem, where they decided to camp in protest.

“My daughter not only died, but she died under your care,” Orin Gantz, the mother of young Eden Zacharias, who was kidnapped and died in captivity at the age of 28, told media and protesters.

For Netanyahu, a ceasefire now would mean “another October 7” in the futureAs he said in his speech, he was referring to the brutal attack carried out by Hamas on Israeli soil, in which more than 1,200 people were killed and 240 were kidnapped.

An estimated 136 people are held captive in Gaza. Since that day, however, at least 27 of them have already been killed, some of them by Israeli fire, according to the latest official information and propaganda videos distributed by Hamas on Telegram.

Also on the night of the 19th, Friday, some relatives camped in front of Netanyahu’s second residence in the Israeli city of Caesarea, where the president usually spends the weekend. The protests come ahead of mass demonstrations across the country, calling on them to prioritize the release of the hostages.

The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal exclusively published today that Qatar and Egypt, citing multiple security sources, have proposed a three-phase ceasefire to Israel and Hamas to definitively end the conflict, which has lasted about 90 years. Will last for days. Source. Parties Involved.

The 90-day plan proposes a permanent ceasefire during which Hamas would release all civilian hostages, while Israel would release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, withdraw from Gazan cities, allow freedom of movement in the enclave, end the use of drones. Will stop using and double the amount. Assistance was allowed.

In the second phase, Hamas will release the bodies of female soldiers and captives – about 27 of the 136 hostages remaining inside the strip – and Israel will release more prisoners; While in the third phase Israel will withdraw its troops to the Gaza border and the Islamic group will release all hostage soldiers and people of fighting age.

“If we accept this, our warriors will be wasted and we will not be able to guarantee the security of our citizens,” the Prime Minister said in his recorded speech today.

According to a statement, Defense Minister Yoav Galant in a meeting with families of hostages signaled Hamas’ advance toward “the most sensitive locations” in the south, bringing the army closer to its two objectives: eliminating the Islamists and capturing the captives. Return it to.

107 days military attack

Within the Gaza Strip, 107 days have passed since the military offensive and more than 25,000 people, mostly women and children, have been killed, in addition to 62,681 injured, according to the latest figures from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry.

The Israeli military today reported new attacks in both al-Maghazi, the central area of ​​the enclave. where they claimed to have destroyed a weapons production site and a loaded rocket launcher, as in the south, around the city of Khan Younis, with intense artillery strikes in the Al Manara neighborhood and bombardment in Al Amal.

They also reported the discovery today in Khan Yunis of a tunnel about 800 meters long “with a central chamber”, where, according to evidence, “20 hostages were kept at different times”, some of whom had already been executed. Was released.

On the northern border, Hezbollah military targets were attacked, with the group confirming today the death of one of its “martyrs”, while in the Strip, according to another army statement, they seized about 3.7 million euros in local Israeli currency. Kies (shekels), taken from facilities linked to Hamas Islamists.

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