Did you knock out Floyd Mayweather’s tooth? The famous fight with Maidan

American boxer Floyd Mayweather this is history. During his professional career, the northern fighter has a record of 50 wins without defeat, and is the owner of many world belts. Among the confrontations between “Money” there were several that attracted attention, but the match was a rematch for the Argentine. Marcos “Chino” Maidana This is one of the most amazing.

The time machine took us to 2014. On May 3, the first clash between Maidana and Mayweather took place, a fight that turned out to be extremely close. The judges’ ballots showed a split decision in Floyd’s favor, but doubts about the result arose in the minds of many people. a rematch This has become necessary and fair.

Confrontation underwent a re-release on September 13, 2014 at MGM in Las Vegas. This moment marked an unforgettable image that was shaped by imagination to an unexpected level. The smile smiled on “Money” again, this time by unanimous decision of the jury. However, the tattoo was of an event that happened in the midst of the competition. eternity.

The bye seconds in the third round proved to be the right moment for the show. The Argentine took advantage and gave accurate strikewho crashed right in the face of the man who was considered the best boxer in the world, pound for pound.

Floyd Mayweather lost a tooth?

Own Maidan He contributed to this theory because just a few weeks later he stated that he had the aforementioned cigarette holder as a war trophy. “How much will the mouse Perez give me, Floyd Mayweather?– the Argentinean wrote then.

Chino’s plans, he said, were to make an earring with a tooth. The goal was achieved, since Maidana could subsequently be seen wearing a necklace with these characteristics.

The veracity of the facts was called into question when both admitted that the story was not what everyone thought. The Argentine said he was not sure what exactly went wrong. On the other hand, the winner categorically denied that his teeth were damaged.

In any case, time continues to present different visions, which many have accepted as truth. There is no doubt that the struggle Floyd Mayweather In the match with Chino, Maidana broke stereotypes.

What do you think, dear reader, do you know about this event?

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