Discover the superfood that prevents high blood pressure, diabetes and reduces stress.

A girl from Peru holding an aguaymanto berry
This berry has different names around the world, such as Golden Berry and Uwilla.
Reina Campos Caba Reina Campos Caba Meteorite in Chile 5 minutes

Physalis or aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana)also known as the “gold of Peru”, is a fruit high in calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and C.

Its cultivation dates back to the times Inca Empire, specifically in the Andean zone, and began to be cultivated in other regions of the Earth. since the 18th century.

This type of berry – the diameter of which can reach 2 cm – grows, wrapped in its own green mantle; Hence its name. Upon reaching the maturity stage, the coat changes color to light brown, opening the berry.

The appearance of the fruit is similar to a small cherry tomato., but its color is very rich yellow, like gold. It has a slightly sour taste, but the sweetness predominates, which is why it is used in recipes like this. the ones made with passion fruit.

Take care of your health with the natural benefits offered by regular consumption of fusalis.

Attention! If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, we have great news for you because physalis or aguaymanto are able to stabilize blood glucose levels.. This is due to the significant amount of antioxidants found in its fruits and leaves.

Aguaymanto on a blue tablecloth
Aguaymanthus can also increase adinopectin levels and therefore helps improve insulin sensitivity.

According to the investigation Research conducted at the University of San Ignacio de Loyola showed that moderate consumption of aguaymanto (about 25 grams of berries per day) leads to antidiabetic effect in adults.

It is important to note that diabetes It’s a silent disease and can affect the nervous system, kidneys, blood vessels and heart, so its prevention This is a very important decision.

On the other hand, if you person diagnosed with high blood pressure It is extremely important to know that consuming aguaymanto can complement your Medical treatment.

Aguaymanto plant
The decrease in blood pressure caused by aguaymanto is due to the tannins, alkaloids and flavonoids it contains.

In this regard, it is important to note that suffering from high blood pressure increases the risk of heart failure, which can cause a heart attack or cerebrovascular accident (CVA).

Aguaymanto is a great natural option. to prevent anxiety and stress The reason is a hectic lifestyle, a scenario that is more noticeable in major cities around the world.

In addition to the physical health benefits, aguaimanto or physalis strengthens the immune system, which is great news for prevention of respiratory diseases which today are recorded at any time of the year.

Find out what name aguaymanto is known by in your country and some ideas for improving the flavor of your dishes.

All over the world aguaymanto It is known by different names depending on where it is located. Examples of these names:

  • cape gooseberry, in the Aymara language;
  • Moletopo, in the Kecha language;
  • motojobbobo, in Bolivia;
  • Uvilla, in Venezuela and Colombia;
  • peruvian cherry, in Mexico;
  • Peruvian cherry and Golden Berry in English;
  • Poha, in Hawaii;
  • Physalis, in India.

For those who like to cook with aguaymanto you can prepare a delicious salad add chopped spinach, onion rings, diced cheese, ham and corn. For dressing mix lemon, salt and olive oil.

soft drink with aguaymanto
This berry can be a plus for making refreshing lemonade.

Aguaymanto can also be a great option. To enhance the flavor of the meat, use a sauce with fennel, sugar and mustard. For lovers of sweet tastes there is an alternative to aguaimanto jams and mousse.

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