Doctors warn about popular drink in Spain

Consumption 100% natural fruit juices has always been considered a healthy option, especially when compared to processed foods. loaded with sugar added for free. In fact, not too many years ago, juices were considered the equivalent of a serving of whole fruit. And while it can be argued that they retain some of the nutrients of their origin, they are not the same thing.

Some studies have already warned of a link between chronic consumption of fruit juices and potential long-term weight gain. Now a new review published in JAMA Pediatrics maintains these relationships that begin in childhood and continue into adulthood.

So far, as the new review explains, the evidence on the relationship between juices and weight gain has shown results. contradictory. But now, as scientific data accumulates, more convincing conclusions can be reached.

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In fact, even the US Dietary Guidelines talk about 100% fruit juice as synonymous with whole fruit. And although they recommend limiting free sugars, they do not extend them to those that are formed when the fruit is compressed. This has led to almost 50% of children and adolescents consuming at least daily fruit juiceand the smallest are those who drink the most.

Therefore, for this new review and meta-analysis, MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane databases were searched until May 2023. Finally, 42 studies in totalincluding 17 studies in children (with a total of 45,851 participants) and 25 studies in adults (with a total of 268,095 participants).

So they found positive association between drinking 100% natural fruit juices and increase in BMI in children, especially the youngest. In other words, the more juices consumed at a younger age, the greater the associated weight gain.

However, in adults, weight gain was not associated directly with juices, as in childhood, but with extra calories in the form of the free sugars they contain. Additionally, when analyzed by age, this new review found that Children under 11 suffered more weight gain for every 230ml serving. than older children.

And the younger the age, the greater the damage: Children 8 years and younger saw the largest increase in BMI, followed by children 9 to 13 years old and children 14 years old and older. The researchers explain that their findings are consistent with recommendations American Academy of Pediatricswhich recommends that children under 6 years of age consume less than one glass of fruit juice per day.

Likewise, it would be recommended to delay the introduction of these juices to young children, reduce the size of glasses, and encourage the consumption of whole fruits. The authors remember that fruit juices, even if they are natural, lead to the consumption of liquid sugar. without the whole fruit food matrix. Less fiber is consumed, there is no need to chew or make any effort, which means fructose is quickly absorbed due to the liver.

However, if you eat the whole fruit, both chewing effort and fiber will be present. slow down the absorption of said fructose naturally present. And, of course, it’s worth remembering that preparing one serving of juice usually requires a few pieces of fruit. This sugar in liquid form is easy to consume and digest with all the ensuing consequences.

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