Emily Ratajkowski in surfer shorts and thong

Recent photos of Emily Ratajkowski posted on Instagram are included in their bon l’été. C’est au Soleil que le mannequin a décidé de clôturer l’année 2023. Et en Story, sur son Compte Instagram, Emily Ratajkowski participated in a peaceful selfie, sur lequel on peut la voir prendre la pose in inspired tension du Look Boy, with a small detail that makes a splash.

Emily Ratajkowski closed the 2023 announcement after Paradise Beach

So, the top 32 and some of the new photos of the carousel that we do not envy the fair of our luggage and the passer-by Hive on Sol, on the beach of Sables Blanc. Indeed, Emily Ratajkowski poses: les pieds dans l’eau, sur la terrasse d’un on the roof with verre à la main, sur les transats d’une plage entourée par ses amis… Elle a notamment fait sense en portant une Transparent white a long robe in which there is no laissez-faire imagination. True to the cliché, the young woman feels dark and sassy in a casual leopard print robe with delicate detailing in the teeth.

Emily Ratajkowski in boyfriend shorts

This is a story, against the backdrop of Instagram, que l’auteure de My body Take a peaceful selfie for the best outfit. A take on the nude leopard print dress, this boyfriend-inspired piece reveals a downright sexy detail: an apparent thong swimsuit base. Emily Ratajkowski rocks burgundy Bermuda shorts and a blue duck t-shirt. Sur ses hanches, depassent les lanières de son maillot de bain très échancré.

Emily Ratajkowski as boyfriend with chancre maillot

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