Establishes new measures for bidding for public contract works – El Nacional

SANTO DOMINGO.-The Directorate General of Public Procurement (DGCP) has established new rules that must be used by public institutions to determine the selection procedures for the contracts of goods, services subject to the scope of Law 340-06 during the year 2024 . And it works.

The provision is contained in Resolution PNP 01-2024, which establishes that entities must call for public bidding for all works amounting beyond RD$390,784,602.00; as well as a further RD$5,958,474.82 for the acquisition of goods and a further RD$5,958,474.82 for services.

In the case of restricted bidding, the new range for the works ranges from RD$293,636,069.87 to RD$390,784,601.99. Meanwhile, for goods and services, they range from RD$5,362,627.34 to RD$5,958,474.81.

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With regard to works raffles, the governing body of public procurement establishes that the reference price ranges from RD$176,181,641.92 to RD$293,636,069.86.

Regarding the price comparison process for works for 2024, the range is from RD$46,981,771.18 to RD$176,181,641.91; Whereas, in case of goods and services, this contracting method ranges from RD$1,761,816.42 to RD$5,362,627.33.

In small purchases of goods and services, the range established by the DGCP ranges from RD$234,908.86 to RD$1,761,816.41.

This adjustment is due to the fact that the Purchasing and Contracts Law and its amendments, in its Article 17, establish that in order to determine the selection modalities to be applied in purchasing and contracting procedures, institutions must have a maximum Must use, which are calculated by multiplying the current income budget of the Central Government, approved by the Congress of the Republic, to the factors included in the said article applicable to works, goods and services.

In this sense, these calculations have been made on the basis of the General State Budget for the year 2024, which, in accordance with the provisions of Law 80-23, approved the estimate of the current income of the Central Government for the amount of RD$1,174,544,279,475. 20 December 2023.

In that order, it is the responsibility of public procurement to determine and update each year, through a resolution, the selection procedures for which the various contracting modalities (public bidding, restricted bidding, drawing of works, price comparison and Minor) will be subject to. Purchase).

This resolution was issued this Tuesday and will remain valid until the issuance of another administrative act replacing it.


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