Eva Green: Tim Burton and Me

The comedy has exploded into three collaborations, with W9 re-distributing Miss Peregrine and children especially.

Eva Green tour of three repetitions led by Tim Burton : pour Dark Shadows (2012), Miss Peregrine and the characteristics of children (2016) and others. Dumbo (2019). This year, she talks about this experience in Premiere.

Eva Green: “I will repeat once again that I realized that I want to play in Tara”

Before working with Louis, what was the rapport with you in Tim Burton’s films?

Eva Green : As a teenager I respected these films. J’avais un penchant tout particulier pour Edward about the silver coin car commotion to identify très fort à ce personnage trop trop ifférent pour s’intégrer dans la société. Another favorite restaurant is Malgré Tout. Beetle juice. Pour the barry into the atmosphere, most traveled by the constant fragility created by Tim. “Unleash the Inoui” by Michael Keaton.

Comment on these retro camera styles. dark shadows ?

It’s very good that I was never in trouble with Louis. And now the day has come when you will come to finish the tour of the series. Camelot, in response to my request, tell me that you want me to meet you. J’étais d’une humeur assez noire ce jour-là et si j’y suis bien entendu allée, c’était sans le moindre espoir. I am sure that all this will serve the world. Il faut savoir que Tim ne fait pas passer d’essais. Il s’agit juste d’une discussion face to face. It lasts 10 minutes for the whole excursion and part of it, while it excites bras in every sense and in my relationship to the earth. Two completely opposite principles d’exprimer notre timidité. I am responsible for complete bewilderment, meme, if this is the same little voice, and I demand that he can offer me this scenario. I don’t know any solid ideas to help me think about my Australian colorful characters that spontaneously evoke me. The Addams Family. I have the right to a second date for more than 10 minutes as an encore. Imagine what surprises me when I chose the ending, and this is without a passer-by for my audition, and this is that I will arrive. D’ailleurs, chaque jour du Tournage or presque, je pensais qu’il allait me replace…

Comment, have you worked with anyone?

My cat, I immersed myself in the surviving exhibition catalog dedicated to MOMA. Tim is quelqu’un de très “visual”. The image of Angelica was spontaneously created by Bette Davis, Jack Nicholson’s character. Shining Or Janis Joplin’s song: a woman who is tired of love, whose heart has been broken through metamorphoses over the centuries. So, for the exchange with Louis, I already went past the images and drawings that I came across again. “The love scene with Johnny (Depp) is the best example of Camille Claudel’s sculptures.” All discussions on all cases, with the exception of the preparation phase and all problems arising during the course of events, are irresistible rules. Well, there is a place on the plateau, you have a great opportunity to be here to make fun of all the paralyzed days… and here you will find a person you trust. Car on était ici plus proche du cinéma Expressionniste German que du Realisme de twilight. Il m’a poussée à aller beaucoup plus loin que je ne l’aurais fait spontaneously, à oser en faire trop. Au point qu’on a pratiquement écrit la fin du Film ensemble…

Tim Burton: “You’re an ordinary movie fan who’s completely crazy”

At the end dark shadowsil vous avait confé son envie de retravailler avec vous?

No, I never thought about ne l’avait. Jusqu’à ce qu’un jour, alors que je Tournais Penny is terrible, I will get a blow to my son. It’s just an idea that an adapter is available. Miss Peregrine and the characteristics of children and I didn’t think about my role title. “Je t’envoie le livre mais si ça ne t’intéresse pas, c’est pas Grave! » Avait – il ajoute. I love Ransom Riggs novel when I go back and I love everything I need. C’est drôle car Tim surnommait ce personnage “Scary Poppins” alors que pour moi, this is gouvernante n’a absolument rien d’effrayant. She simply must not endanger children in protective custody, and for this purpose, a kiss that imposes strict rules and respects justice.

What’s the challenge with this role?

Work with an English accent to achieve the fastest diction. Car ce récit est pour elle une Of course, against the times. Le moindre retard is synonymous with danger for children. C’est this pressure qui la rend also strictly qu’excentrique. It’s not Scary Poppins, but Quick Poppins! (laughs)

Miss Peregrine, Book to Movie: Tim Burton’s Big Change

Comment avez- vous réagi, when Tim Burton vous a proposé de vous Retrouver une troisième fois avec Dumbo ?

This is an anime drawing that I have a lot of kids. Je me souviens avoir beaucoup pleuré devant la separation between these simple elephants and the little son. Et, pour moi, Tim était l’homme parfait pour porter this histoire- là à l’écran. Il comprend comme personne le cœur des incompris, il sait les célébrer en rajoutant sa propre magie, melange parfait d’humor et d’émotion. After that, he will invite me to accept the challenge. And leave me to the role of the trapeze that gives me vertigo in this world, I can assure you! (rires) J’ai longtemps eu la sense de ne jamais pouvoir, when I arrived at the décolleté, but j’ai été bien entourée et j’ai Finalement réussi à vancre ma peur du vide

Est-ce que comme lors de votre Premiere Collaboration avec lui, vous aviez encore peur qu’il vous replace une fois qu’il vous avait enggée?

Tim – cas à part. He loves the family spirit and strives to bring back comedy and technical talent. This is one of the armors! About the life of the guards during their tours in a protective bubble that will never meet the guards. Apres, my character in this Dumbo This is my journey to a time when there are several more parts plus a simple game. Donc j’ai pu être plus sereine. (rires) What’s most frustrating is that Tim doesn’t verbalize, he never chooses. Il faut en the Permanence avoir des antennes pour comprendre ce qu’il souhaite et le Transformer en quelque chose de haut en color.

Eva Green in the movie “Femme Fatale”: “C’est très amusant à jouer”

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