Experts say these foods should be avoided

In Spain, gastronomy is an integral part of its culture and way of life. However, latest research and recommendations from oncologists highlighted the need to reconsider some of the most popular foods in the Spanish diet and try to avoid them. These experts warn about five specific foods that may increase your risk of cancer.

1. Alcoholic drinks

The most dangerous of all are alcoholic drinks. According to the Ministry of Health, alcohol is associated with seven types of cancer: oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, breast in women, liver and colorectal cancer. For this reason, more and more doctors recommend avoid these substances completelynot even a glass of wine a day.

2. Red meat

Although processed meat has a more direct link to cancer, red meat also poses a risk. Experts limit their consumption due to its possible association with colon, prostate and pancreatic cancer, as well as its association with cardiovascular disease.

3. Ultra-processed

Ultra-processed foods, including sugary grains and baked goods, have changed diets around the world, contributing to obesity and diabetes. These products although attractive with its taste and convenience pose significant health risks.

4. Sweet soft drinks

Sugary soft drinks, ubiquitous in social and everyday life, contribute to obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes. high glycemic index associates them with a higher risk of cancer.

5. Burnt food

Burnt food, although prized for its taste, contains carcinogenic compounds such as heterocyclic aromatic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Oncologists warn that even healthy foods can become harmful if burned in excess.

Oncologists advise a balanced and moderate diet, emphasizing the importance of fresh and natural foods. Reducing the consumption of these foods could not only reduce the risk of developing cancer, but also improve general health status of the population. This call for attention to the typical diet in Spain opens an important discussion about the need for cultural change in nutrition. Adopting healthier eating habits can be a critical step in improving population health and reducing the incidence of serious diseases such as cancer.

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