Fatty liver: this is how you can detect the disease early

Jeremiah Chacon

Posted in Lifestyle He

According to scientific definitions, fatty liver a “silent” disease that is usually detected at a fairly late stage due to the difficulties that exist in its diagnosis.

In this post, we’ll look at the key aspects to know if it might affect a person. disease which is more common than it seems.

  • This disease It is the most common liver disease in the world, affecting one in three adults and 10% of children, although most sufferers are unaware of it due to the difficulty of diagnosis.
  • Scientific name it’s not fatty liver not alcoholic, but metabolic liver steatosis.
  • This disease closely related to obesity and diabetes are two pathologies that are also very common among the population. Experts say that in most cases, the cause is excess abdominal fat that accumulates in the liver.
  • The process of this disease It can be divided into several phases, and in the first there is only an accumulation of fat in the liver, which is called hepatic steatosis.
  • Added to this fat accumulation is the appearance of inflammation, which health experts are talking about. health called steatohepatitis.
  • Over time, these two phases cause further damage to the structure liverwhich leads to so-called fibrosis and is a step preceding cirrhosis of the liver.

He fatty liverIn the most extreme cases, if not treated promptly, they can lead to cancer, but this does not happen in a large percentage of those who suffer from this common disease of a very important organ in the body.

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