Final Fantasy VIII director fantasizes about new combat system for hypothetical remake

Without confirming anything, Yoshinori Kitase stated how he would change certain aspects of FF VIII in a possible return to the Squall universe.

It seems like lately when we talk about Final Fantasy, we’re forced to talk about the second part of the remake of Cloud and Sephiroth’s eternal battle, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. It seems there is nothing left to talk about, I don’t know, about Final Fantasy VIII, for example.

Even though, like much of the world, we’re eager to get our hands on a new Square product, stopping to think about what the other projects in the numbered saga might be is really appealing. for the fans and also for Yoshinori Kitase.

What Kitase Said About Final Fantasy VIII’s Combat System

The Japanese director was able to talk about one of his favorite games and many others – the daring and unique Final Fantasy VIII. who turns 25 years old this year 2024. In an interview with IGN, Kitase made no secret of his desire to touch on some aspects of the special: emphasizing that he would like to be able to update and improve his combat system.

Final Fantasy VIII remaster trailer

“I think you remember that in Final Fantasy VIII we had a crossroads system.. What happened with this system is that Enemies level up depending on the player’s level.– said the director. “Obviously you had to use the Junction system and configure it to overcome this problem. And I think that Some people found it very difficult to log in.»

I would like to go back to this and really rework the combat system in Final Fantasy VIIIturn it into something where the level of difficulty and accessibility for some fans would be much better balanced.” were the words with which Kitase has left many dreaming about what a Final Fantasy VIII remake could be like..

Is a Final Fantasy VIII remake possible?

While many of us would love it, it’s hard to bet on something that isn’t directly related to Final Fantasy 7 and its related projects. In this context only Crisis Core managed to create its own remake; However, the latter has an inherent connection to Final Fantasy 7, and even so, it is still a lower quality remake compared to the others.

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At Square Enix, they seem to be 100% focused on Cloud’s adventures. Despite the fact that remakes Final Fantasy IX or X, among others, we still haven’t seen anything confirmed other than the 7 remake.

It’s hard to imagine a future in which two projects for two different games are being developed at the same time, both due to the financial cost and human wear and tear. However, Like Kitase, it never hurts to daydream about how nice it would be to return to an important part of our lives.

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