Financial dollars collapsed to 2%, and CCL was below blue

Financial dollars recorded their second consecutive decline this Tuesday, May 29, while the market awaits the results Tender for treasury debt in pesos And progress in the interpretation of the Basic Law in that Senate. CCL was below blue and MEP was above $1,200..

Also called dollar bag fell $23.76 (-2%) will be located in the city. US$1177.14Meanwhile he KKL fell $17.84 (-1.5%) to $1215.91. Thus, the gaps with officials were reduced to 31.7% And 36.1%respectively.

Prices are down after jumping more than $130 last week as trading ended. trade, political uncertainty and one elimination of small crops to what was expected this time.

“The wheel moved with assumption that today there will indeed be a decision according to the law. Reasons“said trader-trader from Cluster OIE, Nicholas Capella, who also noted that there was “a lot of selling” in the single and free foreign exchange market and the exchange rate was “offered throughout the round.” “However, the decline is not due to increased sales from exporters as volumes remain low. Therefore, we believe it was more due to rumors that a decision would be made.”

“Political noise, not economic noise, carries the most weight in the market today. All expectations are placed on the Basic LawAnd not so much in the fine print, which is already somewhat anecdotal, but in what it represents if an agreement is reached: the political potential and pragmatism of the government,” he said. Augusto Poseman Personal investment portfolio.

The president Javier Miley seeks Congressional support to be able to implement his government’s plan in the midst of changes in the cabinet of ministers after the appointment of the former Minister of Internal Affairs, Guillermo Francosas chief of staff and the announcement that the economist Federico Sturzenegger will occupy a new ministry related to economic deregulation They encourage market speculation.

In turn, investors who closely follow gas crisis, They focused on debt tender which will take place this afternoon Ministry of Economics will carry out through Capitalized national treasury bills (LECAP) with which he will seek to place on the market $3.5 billion. This operation is part of the migration continuation strategy Passive repo from the Central Bank with National Treasury securities.

“What is new in this case is that the maximum price for (letter) “S14L4” is P101,381, which implies a minimum TEM (monthly effective rate) of 4.2%, which is higher than the price that was in effect yesterday in the secondary market ” said SBS Group.

How much was the official dollar worth today, Wednesday, May 29?

On the official exchange market wholesale dollar stayed in $893.50.

At what level did the blue dollar close today, Wednesday, May 29?

He Dollar blue collected $20 and works To $1,200 to buy and $1,230 to sell.according to survey Volume in the caves of the City.

How much was the future dollar sold for today, Wednesday, May 29

In dollar futures contracts the price June decrease by 0.3% to $923.50. For July fell 0.4% to US$957 and to the end of the year the contract fell 0.3% to US$1173.

Dollar card price today, Wednesday, May 29

He dollar card or tourist cardAnd dollar savings (or solidary) was in $1,460.80.

Crypto dollar quote today, Wednesday, May 29

He cryptodollar or Bitcoin dollar works in $1208.03in accordance with Bitso.

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