Find Out These Four Foods Your Cardiologist Recommends You Avoid

Following a key diet is the best way to reduce your risk of all types of diseases, especially cardiovascular disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), these types of diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. For this reason, cardiologist Lauren Baldwin from the Orlando Heart and Vascular Institute in the USA recommends food avoid food to have a good time cardiovascular health.

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Almost 220 thousand people died in Mexico. cardiovascular diseases in 2021. According to the Ministry of Health, 177 thousand deaths were due to myocardial infarction, which can be prevented by avoiding or controlling risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, uncontrolled diabetes and adequate nutrition.

Baldwin states that “there is no single diet that is best for your heart,” although there are certain foods that should be included, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and antioxidants. But this is not the only thing, as ABC Bienestar reports, a specialist recommended the series food which is best avoided. Know what they are.

Food what is better to have cardiovascular healthaccording to expert

According to an expert on cardiologist Lauren Baldwin, here are some foods she doesn’t recommend eating.

  • French fries and other processed snacks

Baldwin advises avoiding chips and other snacks that contain high amounts of salt at all costs. According to the specialist, the only thing you get are calories without the vitamins, minerals and fiber that the body needs. No matter how many potatoes you eat, you will still be hungry, which will make you eat more and more of this type of food. food.

(Photo: Canva)

According to a cardiologist, fast food contains trans fats. Additionally, according to Better with Health, fast food tends to be high in refined sugar, which often leads to high cholesterol levels, which is bad for your heart and blood pressure.

It is believed that having one or two sugary drinks is normal, but the reality is completely different. The cardiologist clarifies that sugary drinks increase the risk of developing metabolic diseases, obesity and diabetes. It is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Also remember that they are full of empty calories.

  • Sausages and meat products

Baldwin notes that sausages and processed meats have little to offer the body in terms of health, as they are high in salt, which can significantly contribute to high blood pressure. They also contain saturated fat, which can increase your blood levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), he says.

(Photo: Canva)

Moreover, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reports that there is scientific evidence indicating that excessive consumption food Ultra-processed foods can contribute to poor nutritional quality.

Eating the above-mentioned foods in small quantities does not have any effect on the body, however, to compensate for their consumption, it is necessary to follow a balanced diet.

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