For 8 years, Rihanna has been relaxing in streaming from artists les plus écoutées.

For 8 years, Rihanna has been relaxing in streaming from artists les plus écoutées.Photo credit: BESTIMAGE

Rihanna’s recent years show one of the most popular artists among the public. Pourtant is the latest album since “Anti” in 2016, with 300,000 copies sold in France and certified triple platinum à la clé. Et ce alors qu’elle était auparavant plutôt Productive puisqu’elle avait delivré pas moins de september entre 2005 et 2012, lui permettant de bénéficier d’une uniére recognition. Lately, it is still preferable to devote oneself to other projects, such as the Fenty Beauty cosmetics brand, which is packaged by consumers, or an encore in the lives of the staff, who gave birth to two children – respectively in May 2022. 2023 – release of the son of the union with rapper A$AP Rocky.

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The star’s appearances are rare, with the exception of those collaborations, the single “Lift Me Up” and rumors of a new album, which have become a real Arlesine, with good logic. Finally, she continues her impressive performances in commercials. Spotify, the number one streaming platform in the market, also includes every day plus 80 million listeners every month. De quoi la classer parmi les 10 artists plus plebiscites in the world. And in 2023, in this incredible year, a new class was created with this class on a site specializing in Charting Masters. Rihanna once again finds herself in the 20th position of the most popular artists in the world on the platform. He has also accumulated a total of $5.95 billion. La prouesse est d’autant plus Exceptionnelle qu’elle n’a plus sorti le moindre album depuis huit ans, même si ces chiffres ont notamment été boostés par son show lors de la mi-temps du dernier Superbowl, qui lui a permis de battre records .

Et au vu de cet engouement qui ne faiblit pas avec le temps, null doute qu’un nouveau disco, qui serait déjà un événement au vu de la durée de son, absence à époque où la musique n’a jamais été aussi éphémère, pourrait owner of the records nombreux. And this is where the latest information is based, disc pourrait voir le jour prochainement ainsi qu’une tournée, comme en atteste sa recente déclaration: ” Je veux faire une Tournée quand il y aura de la nouvelle musique. I thought it was just what fans get from those who attend, i.e. new music, but now fakes are advertising exploiter! ” Stay tuned as you combine this hypothetical album with the real thing, the event, throughout the day.

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