Four reasons to increase your fruit intake during…

Nutritionist Barbara Munar (@hablandodenutricion) explained several reasons to eat fruit during menopause.

menopause is inevitable and at this stage women’s bodies and hormones suffer. changes significant. Therefore, it is important to know which aspects need to be strengthened. With this in mind, Munar explains to us why fruit is one of the best allies at this vital stage.

The expert refutes one of the most popular myths about fruits, namely: doesn’t make you fat. Fruits are food products containing very low energy density, that is, with a small amount of calories. But it also has other important advantages, such as fiber or vitamins.


The fruit is very rich polyphenolsactive substances that help reduce inflammation. After 40 years, hormonal decline occurs, which leads to increased inflammation. This inflammation gets worse and increases the number of some symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, or joint pain


Nutritionist remembers food triangle after 40 years. A way to illustrate the nutritional contributions that women should make from age 40 until the menopausal transition.

Fruits are not fattening, low in calories and contain fiber.

And the inverted pyramid shows that contribution of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats It should be greater than that of refined carbohydrates. For this reason, Munar remembers that vitamins will be necessary during menopause as they help reduce oxidative stress. Which leads to slower aging with more fruit consumption.


The fetus has important source of fiberwhich provides satiety and improvement of microbiota. Thanks to the latter, fiber can benefit us in terms of intestinal transit and strengthen the immune systemwhich over time is very important for protection against “opportunistic” diseases, as Barbara adds.


A nutritionist confirms one of the most common doubts: You can eat fruit at night.

Another common problem is related to sugar what is contained in the fruits. Barbara claims that the fetus changes blood glucose levels, but like any food. Thus, blood glucose levels increase whenever we eat. Likewise, glucose levels will always rise after any meal.

However, a conflict with blood glucose levels occurs when very high or persistent peaks occur over a long period of time. But the fruit does not create them, because, despite its high sugar content -glucose and fructose-, their release is much slower thanks to the fiber, vitamins and water it contains.

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