“Funds trust Iberdrola and more alliances are coming soon”

“After two decades of growth, at Iberdrola we have a huge portfolio of projects for the coming years. If we want to maintain financial sustainability, which is a priority for us, we have two options: develop it alone at a slower pace or do it faster with partners. We chose the latter. In other words, alliances allow us to do more projects and move faster. Obviously, this also benefits the pace of decarbonization.”

That’s how assertive Ignacio Galan, Iberdrola’s president, is when it comes to defense model partnership that the group is growing rapidly.

Spain’s largest energy company is leading the industry’s global race to deliver the project. model. Thanks to this, the company attracts financial partners to its projects in order to strengthen its strength and share risks.

Norway, Masdar and others.

In less than two years, Iberdrola has announced major agreements of this type with large funds such as Norges, Masdar, GIC and other groups and organizations such as BP and Mapfre.. We are talking about the development of various types of business (renewable energy sources, networks, power plants). This allowed them to more than meet their asset rotation plan.


That’s how assertive Ignacio Galan, Iberdrola’s president, is when it comes to defense model partnership that the group is growing rapidly.

Spain’s largest energy company is leading the industry’s global race to deliver the project. model. Thanks to this, the company attracts financial partners to its projects in order to strengthen its strength and share risks.

Norway, Masdar and others.

In less than two years, Iberdrola has announced major agreements of this type with large funds such as Norges, Masdar, GIC and other groups and organizations such as BP and Mapfre.. We are talking about the development of various types of business (renewable energy sources, networks, power plants). This allowed them to more than meet their asset rotation plan.

So what now?

The question is, what now? Has Iberdrola fully exploited this model or are they going to continue to seek allies? In what business or assets?

“It’s true that in less than a year we reached the goal which we have set for 2025, and this will allow us to look into the future from an even stronger position.” Thus, “the purely financial goal has been achieved.” But “we have the portfolio to deliver more projects faster if we do.” it is in alliance with others.” And “we have partners at the highest level,” Galan says.

For this reason, the President of Iberdrola reports that “we continue to work in this direction, with our current partners and with new ones.” In fact, “we hope to share more news very soon.” Why? “Because Iberdrola has become a reliable partner of the largest investment funds. This will allow us to move faster through the transition period and access more projects with greater financial sustainability. “It’s a virtuous circle.”

Although Iberdrola has been successful in the race for partners among large funds and business groups, Galan is hopeful that this will happen.closer cooperation with the public sector.

“Public Cooperation”

“We must remove uncertainties and bottlenecks,” and “the public and private sectors must keep pace and accelerate efforts” in the environmental transition, Galan explains.

“Companies should allocate resources for innovation improve solutions for our clients; also provide us with the necessary human and financial resources; create strong supply chains; and finally, invest,” says Galan.

“According to the European Union, Iberdrola is the company that invests the most in research, development and development, and last year we again broke our record for investment and procurement.”

But for all this to be possible, “it is necessary to have stable and stimulating framework, simplify permits and create a truly green tax system. “Market Design Reform is an example of a regulatory framework that is moving in the right direction.”

“I believe deeply in the benefits of this public-private collaboration, and our experience around the world shows that it pays off,” he says.

Especially in times like these, with so much geopolitical uncertainty and profound economic transformation, with so much at stake.

“Decisive Moments”

“At such moments cracks in our economic and energy system. For example, “the war in Ukraine revealed the consequences of this huge dependence on fossils.”

But 2023 “was also a year of great progress in the green transition: KS28; rules approved in Europe, such as Market Reform, the Inflation Reduction Act in the United States…”

“More and more players are betting on clean energy, from large global funds to industrial companies.”

For this reason, “renewable energy investment records were broken again last year: Already in May, the International Energy Agency warned that in 2023, investment in renewable energy would exceed investment in fossil fuels for the first time.” take off,” says the president of Iberdrola.

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