Gaza: Netanyahu rejects two-state solution and Guterres calls for immediate ceasefire

The Israeli Prime Minister once again reiterated that the war will continue and that he has no intention of accepting the two-state solution supported by the United States. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for an immediate ceasefire to protect civilians and hostages.


After Israel carried out airstrikes on Syria and Lebanon overnight from Friday to SaturdaySerious concerns have once again arisen regarding the potential The contagion of war in Gaza spreads throughout the Middle EastAlso taking into account the rapid escalation in Yemen, where the Houthis have vowed to continue a blockade of shipping in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden despite daily attacks by the United States and its allies.

Guterres calls for “ceasefire in Gaza”

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who visited Kenya, once again emphasized this need for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible, not only to end the suffering of civilians in Gaza and to return Israeli hostages, but also to prevent the conflict from completely spiraling out of control.

Netanyahu rejects two-state solution

However, the Israeli leadership remains determined to continue the current way of operating. first minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again rejected the “two-state” solution on SaturdayHe wrote on social media that Israel needed to regain “security control” over all areas from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which is vital to Israel’s security. Netanyahu believes that this concept Contrary to the existence of a Palestinian state.

Israel is moving forward despite pressure from the United States

But at the same time Netanyahu and his cabinet face Criticism is increasing from both internal and external sides. The tweet is the second consecutive refusal to comply with the call by the United States, which is Israel’s ally and one of the few countries that has expressed firm and unquestioning support for Israel, both in words and by supplying arms. First, white House expressed his greatness Disappointment at this attitude of Israeli leaderWashington wants to continue talks to persuade Netanyahu.

Internal criticism of Netanyahu’s government

in israel, anti government protest They have never closed since the beginning of the war. In the early days, opponents blamed the cabinet for the intelligence failures that made it possible Sudden attack by Hamas. now they are asking early elections To replace Netanyahu, because his “push” policy appears to be less effective in achieving Israel’s main objective: the release of the hostages.

This week, one of the ministers Gadi Eisenkot, former Chief of Staff of the War Cabinet, openly criticized NetanyahuArguing that a ceasefire and negotiations were the only possible way to bring the hostages home.

(TagstoTranslate)UN(T)Gaza Strip(T)Palestinian-Israeli conflict(T)Benjamin Netanyahu(T)Hostage(T)War Israel Hamas

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