“Gerard Pique throws Shakira against him” – Sport.fr

In April 2023, Shakira and her children Sasha and Milan will leave Barcelona to start a new life in Miami after breaking up with Pique. It looks as if the artist easily adapts to changes in decor and goes through the best periods of life.

Today Shakira agreed to an interview with Alo magazine, in which she understands that her children saved her, that she lost the breakup with Pique: “ La Society nous Apprend can save our feelings from children. But I thought that this was a mistake, there seems to be something more to it and that perçoivent les chooses d’une manière différente, and this can be said when an adult reads it.“.
L’artiste a Souligné l’importance de Parler à ses enfants: « S’ils veulent la verité et que vous ne la leur donnez pas, ils inventent leur propre version et leurs Interprétations peuvent être complètement erronées et déroutantes (…) Mais si vous êtes assez courage to talk about choice and Ouvrir une conversation, où ils peuvent également donner leur avis, all changes“.

Shakira said she is in good shape: “ D’un Côté, this plus a difficult site that serves me, responsible for these two children who depend on my child, which je suis une mère célibataire et que je n’ai pas de mari à la maison pour m’aider en quoi que it is so. But I’m sure there’s no chance that I won’t miss Marie, because I’m not saying that I want me to be at work… I envy the work, I envy the écrire des chansons, de faire de la musique“.
The Colombian woman is confident that there will be a lot of pendants during this period and she will notify: “ This is probably the most precious lion I know. Il vaut mieux faire of trust and être trahi que de ne jamais faire Confance. The machine, as I teach children, they are already beautiful plus good people in the world and at the same time, at the same time, on the comb (…) Seuls les robots ne naissent pas la douleur. In any case, la douleur vous rend plus humane“.

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