Goal 2024: Visual Center Optics

Having good health is one of the most repeated wishes every new year. But good health is not an accident, but a true goal, the achievement of which we can help with the help of prevention and the help of the best specialists. Since last summer, the Optica Vision Center Clinic (Avenida de José Hierro, 92) opened in Rivas, helping residents of Ripa take care of their visual and hearing health, so that they can enjoy all the senses for 365 days.

“We have a lot of experience as we have been working in this sector for many years. When a client comes, he receives a personalized approach,” explains José Maria Olalla, the center’s optician. At their office, they offer optometry and contactology services, as well as more innovative treatments such as personalized vision coaching. At the audiology level, they perform everything from audiometry to fitting and fitting hearing aids.

“In visual therapy we treat cases of strabismus, for example, this is how we train the muscles,” says Severina Gueve Souza, optometrist at the Optics Visual Center. Among the many cases where they work, there are also vision problems in childhood, a stage at which vision deficits can lead to poor performance in school. When students walk too close to text, regularly stumble while walking, or change head position while writing, parents should begin to suspect that the cause is a vision problem.

Tips for taking care of yourself

The first tip for good vision and hearing is not to wait for the problem to worsen before going to the ophthalmologist. “Prevention saves money and problems,” they add.

Both recommend a periodic check once a year and look for some signs that should make us suspicious: “Perhaps the most common are blurred vision, subtitles that we can’t see well when we turn on a movie at home, or headaches. Many people also come when they drive at night and realize that they can’t see as well as they used to,” explains Olalla. Audiology describes another common problem that should alert us: when you hear, but cannot understand, what the interlocutor is telling you.

To avoid damaging your eyesight, Severina Gueve Souza recommends always studying or working in natural light and not overusing screens: “We must control their use by boys and girls, especially under 12 years old. They should be used in doses.” Pleasant activities such as walking outside for a couple of hours are also good habits for our eyes: “This can help us control myopia as vitamin D affects its development.”

José María Olalla cites another element that generates the most consultation: “There is an excessive use of headphones, we think that it will not affect us, but it does affect us.” For this reason, this expert recommends adjusting the power of your headphones and avoiding excessive volume, which can cause hearing loss.

For those who want an accurate diagnosis, expert treatment and personalized attention, both are obvious: “Come to Optics Visual Center and try something different.”

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