Goodbye endless WhatsApp audio recordings! AI comes to the rescue

Goodbye endless WhatsApp audio recordings! AI comes to the rescue

An end to the endless sounds that rule whatsapp close. Artificial Intelligence (AI) This is a tool that will put an end to the minutes we accumulate every day by listening to the tedious and endless voice notes that come to us through this messaging app. applicationSvetIA was recently updated to summarize those endless audio recordings and convert them into text.


No one doubts that WhatsApp audio is useful. on topics that are difficult to explain in writing. However, We all know someone who sends voicemails about every detail of their daily life.from what he ate for breakfast to the most trivial activities. Spending minutes and minutes listening to audio that can be summarized in a few lines can be exhausting. Here’s where it comes into play SvetIA.

How does LuzIA work?

LuzIA is a bot that works with ChatGPT and you can ask it for help, ask it any topic, ask it to write text or find information on a topic, and other options. However, its most special function is that it can listen to audio recordings that come to us via WhatsApp or Telegram and transcribe them, that is, convert them into text. Moreover, thanks to its ability to understand the context and respond intelligently, Luzia can also identify key moments in any audio, so you don’t have to listen to every minute of the recording.

Here are the steps you need to follow to use LuzIA:

  • Open the LuzIA application and go to settings.

  • Go to “Account” and sign up if you did not have a Luzia username. The application will now be ready.

  • Use WhatsApp as usual, and when you receive a voice note so long that you don’t want to listen to it, hold the message and click the Forward icon.

  • Select the LuzIA app from the share options.

  • Luzia will analyze the audio and automatically convert it to text. If you don’t like the vibration that the AI ​​writes, you can turn off “Touch Response” in the app settings.

  • Once you have a kilometer of transcription text, write “Summarize the audio.” Luzia will highlight the keys in the voice memo.

  • The whole process requires an internet connection: LuzIA streams the audio to its servers, so you should take that into account as well.

Additionally, LuzIA is available as a standalone application for Android and iPhone devices.

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