Google Maps has been updated and solves one of the biggest user complaints

Until now, Google Maps has often been criticized for the fact that while we were browsing the restaurants that can be found in the application, information was missing. In particular, criticism was directed at the photographs, which were less useful than desired.

Information that was missing

In the past, when we looked at restaurant reviews on Google Maps and went to the photo section to see what customers had posted, we We got a problem. For example, we saw a hamburger and thought, “That looks good.” But then we discovered that we didn’t actually know what kind of burger it was.

When people post photos of their food in reviews on Google Maps, they should be required to include the name of the dish next to each photo submitted.

January 21, 2024 • 1:02 p.m.

If the user didn’t add this information, we were in the dark. How many times have our visits to the restaurant in question ended in failure. And other times we showed the waiter a photo on Google Maps and said, “One of these, please.” But in any case, do it last It wasn’t entirely convenient.. Many people complained and said that users should be forced to indicate the name of the dish when posting a photo. This won’t happen, but luckily there is a solution.

Google has started entering information related to each of the published and also shared photos. Since we are talking about millions of photos, at this time the information This is not in all photos is available, but it looks like it will be added gradually.

Our stomach will thank you

This new product seems simple, but will give users a lot of fun. What we see when they posted on Google 9 to 5, where they found it and discovered, is that the photos now not only have the name of the dish, but also other related information. For example, in some cases we find the price we will have to pay, the list of ingredients or certain labels assigned to the food as if it were a vegetarian dish.

Explaining the use of information in Google Maps photos

To create these rich listings, Google uses an automated system through which they claim to collect data from both companies and users. They ensure that their system analyzes the integrated data, but does not examine it individually. Thanks to this, Google Maps allows you to Click the “Suggest Change” button. and indicate what we want to contribute, such as that the name of the dish is incorrect, that it is offensive, or that it is not actually available in the restaurant (something positive considering that there are very old photos that are still being posted). ). There is also a tab that allows you to view a restaurant’s menu based on data collected by Google.

Therefore, this is a very useful feature that will help us choose where to eat more easily by creating directions on Google Maps. Anyway, you’ll still have to give it some time to make this feature more accessible since it doesn’t appear on many photos at the moment. We ran tests and had a hard time finding one that featured more than a simple description of the dish.

Additional information added to Google Maps photos

In any case, this is a useful new product for the user that will be very useful and will make that we give it more confidence on Google Maps when choosing a restaurant. Because until now we didn’t really trust it. Yes, we used the app to see the restaurant address and map, but the idea of ​​using it to choose a dish is something that will now become relevant.

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