Heat wave in Lima: This Tuesday, February 6, a temperature close to 37 degrees Celsius was recorded in a district Video | Summer 2024 | Coastal El Nino phenomenon Jesus Maria Embarrassment Latest | Lemon

The summer of 2024 has seen an increase in temperatures compared to other years, this is in reference to the possible appearance of coastal el niño event, National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Peru (senmahi) reported that jesus mariaIn the Lima district this Tuesday, February 6, temperatures were recorded close to 37 degrees Celsius.

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Senmahi also indicated this through social networks Heat sensation reached 35°C in districts of northern LimaWhile the Piura region today the estimated thermal sensation reached 40 degrees Celsius.

Furthermore, the Environment Ministry unit detailed its The maximum temperature in western Lima and El Callao reached 32.3 degrees Celsius.A value that has not been recorded since the El Niño event of 1982/83.

,Today has been an unusual day, with temperatures above 30°C in much of metropolitan Lima as of 10am. We have reached temperatures above 33 °C in Northern Lima, Eastern Lima and Central Lima and around 32 °C in Western Lima and Southern Lima. It has been the hottest day so far this summer and temperatures are on par with El Nino years.like 1983″, Senamahi meteorologist Diego Rodriguez expressed to Radio Exitosa.

,The temperature this week was already expected to be around 33 degrees Celsius, even higher, We experienced temperatures around 36° and 37°C for a few hours during the day, The same is expected in the coming days and weeks, and throughout the fortnight, in general, we can expect temperatures to remain above 32°C“He added.

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(Tags to translate) Senmahi(T)Lima(T)Heat wave(T)Summer(T)El Nino coastal phenomenon(T)Jesús María

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