Here’s a few more days to watch Christopher Nolan’s cult film starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway.

Netflix Est oblige de faire le ménage dans son Catalogue. Et prochainement, it’s a cult film Christopher Nolan who will devoir laisser sa place. Ceux qui n’ont pas encore vu ce chef in Casting impressive, nothing more than quelques jours.

Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que le British realist ne laisse pas indifférent. These films with their titles 36 four Oscars et en ont obtenu onze. À cela, il faut ajouter 19 Golden Globes and 35 British Academy Film Awards. The fact is that this is the name of the British Empire in honor of Queen Elizabeth II.

Christopher Nolan assembled an all-star team

Read more Christopher Nolan is also with us because of his complex intrigues and Interstellar ne fait pas exception. Xie film Science fiction It was released in 2014 and has some impressive highlights. Matthew McConaugheyThe film stars Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine, Casey Affleck and Matt Damon.

Avek a budget 165 million dollars, conditions have been created for long-term success and new achievements. And that’s not true. Interstellar allow its producers d’engranger pas moins de $675 million in prescriptions.

Christopher Nolan’s universes aren’t complicated

Christopher Nolan in his life tribute Other science fiction films for children 2001, Outer Space Odyssey OU star Wars. A story about the history of mankind space mission What is needed, but to find a new planet suitable for life, to save humanity, and also that the Earth seems important to me. Astronauts really understand what traveling to another galaxy is like.

Both in certain films and in them originyou cinéaste fait cohabiter in the son’s script scientific elements plus my complexes for the viewer. Celui-ci est alors enter à la reflexion et se perd parfois entre fiction et realité with des effets de mise-en-scène. Christopher Nolan’s cinema leaves no one indifferent.


The film is available until January 31 on Netflix.

EndInterstellar rise plus de questions Qu’elle n’apporte de reponses. Mais c’est aussi ce qui fait le success a mobile phone identical to yours to watch the trilogy The Dark Knight. I missed the pessimistic kote, the film remains a great journey within the boundaries of the universe and infinity.

On the Internet, the public is grateful and dissatisfied with notes. The film, which lasts more than two hours, requires repetition. 4.5 stars out of 5 avec presque 80,000 avis is available to Internet users on Allociné. Latest restoration on Rotten Tomatoes 86% positive feedback. Il ne reste quelques jours pour voir ou revoir ce chef que que definitive catalog Netflix le January 31 prochain

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