How to start working out at the gym at 40

Deciding to start working out at the gym at age 40 may seem like a daunting task, but it’s never too late. Sara Alvarez, co-founder and creator of the RETO48 method, shares five important secrets for women taking their first steps into the gym at this age. Of course, this can be achieved successfully! (if you have any doubts…)

1. Realistic goals: you are under 20 years old.

Know your body and set realistic goals.

“Metabolism slows, hormones are not in your favor, and your body may be less grateful.”says Alvarez, who emphasizes the importance of being aware of these physiological changes and adapting training goals accordingly. It is important to take into account the initial physical condition, possible pathologies or previous injuries and determine achievable goals. Recognizing that efforts will be more intense and sustained is key to achieving positive results.

man training in the gym


2.Cardio, HIIT and strength

The best thing you can sign up for if you want to lose weight

At age 40, your body needs a balanced approach that includes cardiovascular exercise, high-intensity training (HIIT), and functional exercise. According to Alvarez, this combination not only maximizes calorie burning, but also converts fat into muscle, the latter being a powerful calorie burner. Strength training is critical, especially after menopause, to maintain muscle mass and strengthen bones.

3. We work all muscle groups.

Don’t focus on certain areas of the body. Alvarez advises including exercises that target major muscle groups in every workout. In the beginning, it is important to work in a comprehensive manner to develop strength and endurance throughout the body. Over time, you will be able to adjust the intensity and variety of exercise as you get stronger and fitter.

4. Progressive increase taking into account elasticity.

After age 40, body tissues lose elasticity, so it is essential to take a progressive approach to increasing weight and training intensity. Sarah Alvarez suggests performing each exercise until the muscles involved are locally fatigued, focusing on the duration of the exercise and avoiding sudden increases that can be harmful.

man in a life jacket

Alexander Dubynin

5. Sequence and schedules

Life at 40 may be full of responsibilities you didn’t have at 20, but consistency is necessary to achieve results. Establishing a fixed and consistent workout schedule helps overcome daily challenges. Make it like your child’s extracurricular activity: if you don’t go, he’ll miss you. “Be realistic, don’t commit to more training days per week than you can realistically accomplish, and give yourself a fixed—and unchanging—schedule so that day-to-day challenges don’t get in your way.”– says the expert.

Starting your gym adventure at 40 can be quite challenging, but you’ve already done the most important thing: you’ve taken the first step!

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