Ibex 35 wakes up in the green above 10,100, with Grifols leading the way.

MADRID (EP). The Ibex 35 index started this Monday’s session, the first of the week, with an increase of 0.24%, which led the selector to conquer the psychological level of 10,100 points.reaching 10,119.3 points on a day when the US stock market, Wall Street, will remain closed in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

On the other side, Investors will continue to pay attention to Grifols shares, which closed last Friday, January 12, at €8,874. which represents a drop of 39% from the price of 14.57 euros at which it closed on January 5, a week that was marked by an offensive initiated by the Gotham City Research Foundation.

In the early stages of this Monday’s sessionThe largest growth in the Ibex 35 index was recorded by Grifols (+5.45%), Solaria (+1.09%), Banco Sabadell (+0.96%) and BBVA (+0.7%), and at the other extreme, the red lanterns were Meliá Hotels (-0.26%) and IAG (-0.12%). European stock markets woke up to a mixed trend, with London up 0.11%; Frankfurt – 0.09%, Milan lost 0.06% and Paris opened unchanged.

At the opening of the stock market, the price of a barrel of quality Brent crude oil, the benchmark for the Old Continent, rose by 0.18%.to $78.43 and Texas at $72.86, up 0.1%.

On the foreign exchange market, the price of the euro against the dollar rose to US$1.0958, while In the debt market, the required interest rate on 10-year Spanish bonds rose to 3.124%.

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