If you want to live longer, always take the stairs

Sometimes, A healthy lifestyle is a matter of small daily gestures: A few minutes of walking to counteract long days of work, sitting in front of the computer, dancing and hanging out with friends, taking a nap or filling your diet with complex carbohydrates, legumes or fresh vegetables and olive oil, like blue light centenarians. zones.

Another key that anyone can put into practice is Say goodbye to the elevator forever and take the stairs every day. In a study presented at ESC Preventive Cardiology 2024, the scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), it was said to be associated with longer life. Medicalexpress.

“If you have access to stairs or a lift, take the stairs as it will help your heart,” says study author Dr Sophie Paddock, from the University of East Anglia and Norwich and Norwich University Hospitals Foundation Trust. .

The person in charge emphasizes that even short periods of physical activity have beneficial effects to your health. With one in four adults worldwide not meeting recommended levels of physical activity, taking the stairs can help. reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death.

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The study is a meta-analysis including nine studies with 480,479 participants. The population included both healthy participants and those with a history of heart attack or peripheral artery disease. Ages ranged from 35 to 84 years, and 53% of participants were female, so the gender distribution was fairly even.

Compared to not doing it, sClimbing stairs was associated with a 24% lower risk of death from any cause and a 39% lower chance of death from cardiovascular disease. It has also been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks, heart failure and stroke.

“Research shows that the more steps you climb, the greater the benefit, but this needs to be confirmed. At work, at home or anywhere else, take the stairs,” concludes Dr. Paddock.

Other studies published in Atherosclerosis I also learned that Climbing more than five flights of stairs a day can reduce your risk of heart disease by 20%.

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