Instagram and Facebook Data: Form to Stop Them from Using Your Data | How to prevent Instagram and Facebook from using your photos and data to train their artificial intelligence

Jaume Lita

Friday, May 31, 2024, 10:38 p.m.

Meta is going to use the “information you share” in its “products and services” to train its new artificial intelligence. This is stated in the native application documentation. Thus, publications and data of all users will be able to be used by the company starting June 26. But the notice is not intended exclusively for users of all meta applications, but “even if you do not use our products and services or do not have an account, we may also process certain information about you,” Mark’s company admits. Of course, there is a way to avoid this freebie.

It is clear that when a user decides to accept the famous “privacy policy” or terms and conditions provided by any company, they are providing much more information than they may initially accept. Tech companies have seen the use of user data as an opportunity that could ultimately benefit both business and government. Information transmitted through WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram may be used in any way without prior notice to the user.

Meta did not hide and announced that from June 26 it will use all available information from its users to form and train its artificial intelligence. In text that appears in its apps, the company explains that this free use will allow them to, for example, “suggest answers in real-time chats” as well as “create new things.” The truth is that Meta will take photos and data and use them, theoretically, for internal use.

Well, Meta allows its users to object to their data and images being used to create artificial intelligence. I have to search through Instagram because it’s not very visible. You need to go to settings, to the three stripes symbol at the top right when viewing your personal profile page. Once in this menu, you need to find “Settings and Privacy”, then “Information” and “Privacy Policy”. On this page, Meta explains what they are going to do as of June 26th and suggests that they will be using information from people who are not registered with their apps.

The “Right to Object” option is shown in blue and you need to enter there. On the new page, Meta explains what information it intends to use from each user: “messages, photos and their photo messages, and messages you send to the AI,” although on the other hand it clarifies that “we do not use the content of your private messages with friends and family to train our AIs. The most striking point is that it is Meta that must accept the “forget” request, since it specifies that “if we accept your request, it will apply from now on.”

Before filling out the form, Meta explains that even if a user objects to the use of their data and information, it can be used by the multinational corporation if it is shared by another user who has not objected to such use.

Meta asks you to select your country of residence, email address and explain “how the processing of this data affects you,” and “optional” asks you to provide “additional information that may be helpful to us in considering your objection.” There are many Instagram accounts that share texts to fill out the specified form stating the facts, which Meta accepts. Once completed, you will have to “submit” and wait for approval from Mark Zuckerberg’s company. The answer comes in just a few minutes.

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