Israel claimed to have foiled attacks that Hamas was planning abroad and revealed vital information

Israel said it foiled attacks that Hamas was planning abroad and revealed vital information (Europa Press)

Israeli intelligence services he reported it Hamas planned a series of attacks in ForeignWhich he managed to thwart thanks to joint work with agencies from around the world.

“The terrorist organization Hamas is working to escalate attacks against targets Middle East, Africa and Europe“Under the command of senior leaders of the organization,” Mossad and Shin Bet indicated in a statement in which they also presented key information about the group. Meanwhile, he released a table that shows Command structure of Palestinian terrorist groupPunctual, with absolute leaders and people responsible for the world sweden, denmark, GermanyThe NetherlandsAnd the last for the entire old continent.

Many of them are dead, like Saleh Al-Arouri, who was killed in Lebanon on January 2; Following the significant operation launched by the authorities on December 14, the police are being searched or arrested Copenhagen and Berlin, This allowed for widespread detention of these criminals and they “are now the subject of judicial proceedings.”

This is how Hamas works abroad (X: @IsraelinSpanish)

“In the ongoing intelligence effort, considerable information has been obtained which demonstrates How the terrorist organization Hamas has moved to expand its violent activity abroad to attack innocent people around the world”, he added in his writings about this “complete and profound image” that he managed to create.

On the other hand, regarding the details of the areas of action, the objectives and the people involved, Israeli Intelligence reported that They foiled a plan to attack their embassy in Sweden and another whose purpose was to “kill innocent civilians on European soil”.

Along with these attacks, the foreign forces of Hamas also moved forward. Acquisition of unmanned aerial vehicles and cooperation with other terrorist groups, which suggests authorities should be prepared for more attacks like the one on October 7 in Israel.

“Hamas is inspired by the terrorist activity of the Iranian regime and, like it, intends to attack Israeli, Jewish and Western targets at any cost,” the statement concluded, promising to continue working closely with defense forces and security agencies. Desires to.” To thwart further terrorist threats to the world.

Netanyahu insists he will not stop until victory (Europa Press)

In this sense the Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu He said this just a day before this Saturday 100 days about the war, and also told people that the fight “It will not stop because of The Hague or because of threats from the Axis of Evil.”In relation to South Africa’s complaint against him before the International Court of Justice and Iranian support for militias in the region.

“We are on the path to victory and we will not stop until we achieve it. There is nothing that commits us or no one can stop us, We will not stop until we destroy Hamas once and for all and bring back the hostages,” the president said, stressing that “this is a war of the children of light against the children of darkness.” “It is against the axis of evil led by Iran, the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas.”

(With information from EFE and Europa Press)

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