Israeli military accuses terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad of using children as soldiers

Children used by Hamas (image shared by IDF)

israel defense forces He disclosed this Wednesday document that shows Hamas use for Children as Gaza Strip soldiersIndoctrinated them to hate the Israeli state and Jews, and instructed them in theoretical and practical military training.

According to intelligence cited by the army, “A large number of minors are active“In the ranks of the Palestinian terrorist group and Islamic Jihad, another militia that operates in the Strip.

For example, even during war, the terrorist organization Hamas uses minors for various tasks. sending children to transport messages and ammunitionThe IDF gave assurances. He emphasized that the militias use this method “with the understanding that the IDF will not harm them due to Israeli soldiers’ compliance with international law,” a military spokesman said in a statement.

Minors posed with weapons of terrorist group (FDI)

He said that during interrogation, a Hamas commander from the Zeitun battalion revealed that the terrorist group had Children were used to deliver explosive devices under the cover of vegetable bags, He also said that he had After one attack children were sent to Gaza’s battlefields, “to assess the damage and report back to the terrorists hiding in shelters.”

The military reported that in recent years Hamas has been organizing summer camps in which children learn to use weapons, carry out tunnel attacks, fight against tanks and even kidnap soldiers as part of their initial training.

According to the report, these camps are the first phase of training in the military branch. The Israeli military assured that its intelligence services were aware of “Significant” number of “active” minors Within Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Israel repeatedly accuses Hamas of using civilians, including children, as shields in its fight against Israeli troops and of using facilities such as schools and kindergartens to hide weapons and launch attacks.

The current war began after a Hamas attack against Israel on October 7, which left more than 1,200 people dead and about 250 abducted.

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, Israel responded with a military offensive in the Palestinian strip, killing at least 22,313 people and wounding 57,296, the majority of whom were children and women, while 7,000 others were buried under debris after the bombing. Is presumed missing. Controlled by Hamas.

(with information from EFE)

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