Issste coordinates the first seminar on acupuncture and moxibustion | Institute for Security and Social Security of Civil Servants | Government

  • Fifteen Mexican government health and education institutions are participating.

Retrieved from the Cooperation Agreement on Human Acupuncture and Health-Related Techniques, which was signed by the Institute of Security and Social Services of Civil Servants (Issste) with Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, The first seminar on acupuncture and moxibustion, said CEO Pedro Zenteno Santaella.

Issste coordinates the first seminar on acupuncture and moxibustion |  Institute for Security and Social Security of Civil Servants |  Government

The event is coordinated by the Acupuncture Service of the National Medical Center “November 20th”. Registered 73 participants with the profile of doctors who are specialists in this field, masters of traditional Chinese medicine under the guidance of acupuncture and moxibustion, graduates of human rehabilitation acupuncture, belonging to 15 public institutions of the Mexican health system, such as the Secretariat of Health, the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), the Secretariat Navy (Semar), National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Isste and Mexico City Health Secretariat (Sedesa).

The seminar is conducted online by specialized staff from Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. It will take place from January 3 to 23 in 15 sessions scheduled on the Voov Meeting platform, from 19:00 to 22:00 Mexican time, he added.

The head of Issste recalled that the agreement was signed on September 4 with the aim of creating a framework and mechanisms for cooperation so that, in accordance with their mandates, both institutions plan, develop, implement and evaluate cooperation programs in the field of human labor. acupuncture and health systems that allow for the exchange of specialists, development of research, academic training and clinical application.

Since 2001, with the establishment of the Human Acupuncture Service at the 20 November National Medical Center, this therapeutic technique and related techniques have been put into practice because they are beneficial and complementary to healthcare. This is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its Traditional Medicine Strategy.

The most common conditions treated at the Human Acupuncture Service are: cervical disc disease and radiculopathy, lumbar disc disease and radiculopathy; anxiety and depression of the temporomandibular joint, as well as for cervical pain, fibromyalgia, non-organic insomnia, bilateral primary gonarthrosis, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, painful shoulder abduction, consequences of cerebral vascular events and others.

It is appropriate to note that this method is currently only provided at the CMN Institute “20 November” and as palliative care services at the Regional General Hospital (HR) “Ignacio Zaragoza”, which positions Issste as the main representative in terms of distribution, care and teaching traditional Chinese medicine in Mexico and Latin America.

Likewise, it will be able to benefit the public by providing the highest quality care worldwide, based on the intervention protocols that will be implemented, as well as generate results that will influence participating institutions and enable the projection of intervention strategies at three levels. medical assistance,” said Acosta Ibarra, Director of the Israeli Representative Office, at the beginning of the seminar on behalf of the Director General.

“Issste is consolidated as a pioneering organization committed to providing quality care and treatment to the community; “promotes high-level institutional and international agreements for the benefit of the population.”

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