It costs 2 euros and you only have 24 hours! This adventure game is one of a kind and has almost 90% positive reviews on Steam – Firewatch

The promotion ends on January 15 at 19:00.

There are times when after finishing a video game, you tend to reflect on what it gave you and how much you enjoyed it. You’ve probably thought more than once that the game you just beat there was something special. For the same reason, today we will talk to you about a game that meets these characteristics and is highly recommended by both the media and players. Firewatch may look familiar to you, adventure video game it grabs you at first because of its art section.

The best way to talk about video games is when it coincides with a good offer. In this case, Fire department It is defined as an adventure game with a lot of personality. Available on Steam reduced to 90% and this is one of the offers of the week. At the moment it’s worth less than 2 euros and this discount ends on Monday January 15, 2024, 7:00 it’s recommended that you act quickly if you want to add it to your Steam library.

*Some prices may have changed since the last review.

Firewatch and its beautiful natural landscape that surrounds us

Firewatch doesn’t have many mechanics, but it doesn’t need them. After all, this walking simulator which tells the story through the environment where you witness all the events taking place in the beautiful forest. The game starts off in the roughest possible way, telling you how Henrythe main character of this story became fire station in Wyoming. Your only connection with the outside world is the radio and your boss, the rest is full of wonderful nature is shrouded in mystery and mysteries.

This is a video game that the community really liked because 89% of their reviews are positive.and has over 60,000 player opinions. According to How Long To Beat, you can beat the game in as little as 4 hours, but your decisions and the way you explore will determine whether it’s a slightly longer experience. The main aspect of Firewatch is its storybut users were delighted with the experience and decisions you make as a simple firefighter.

Both music is like beautiful landscapes They surround you in such a way that you will probably really like them and remember them with special warmth. Reviewing Firewatch, we note that we are faced with “a different, intriguing experience that combines realism of everyday life, the one we find by moving away from routine and the mystery of the strange and unknown. Firewatch may be similar to other games like Gone Home or Dear Esther, but reveals its own personality through oversized forest and solid, well-written dialogue“.

In 3D games | Nintendo is keeping it a secret, but the company will be looking for new partners to work on games based on its brands.

In 3D games | Many people would have liked it, but it was cancelled. Activision was working on a zombie-focused Call of Duty 13 years ago, and it was supposed to be a game-as-a-service.

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