Japan’s rescue forces have intensified the search for survivors among buildings collapsed by the earthquake.

Japan’s rescue forces have intensified the search for survivors in buildings collapsed by the earthquake (Reuters)

Japanese rescue team They ran away.”against timeTo protect survivors of violence on Tuesday Earthquake that day New Year It struck the center of the country, where six people died and significant damage was reported.

a police officer from Central Ishikawa Prefecture confirmed the discovery of two bodies on Tuesday, raising the death toll from four to six Earthquake,

intensity earthquake 7.5 shook ishikawaIn favor of sea ​​of ​​japanon the main island of honshuBut 16:10 (07:10 GMT) on Monday, reported US Geophysical Union (USGS),

According to Japanese officerthe intensity of the shock was 7.6,

“He has been confirmed extensive damageincluding countless Victims, collapsed buildings and fire“, he announced journalists He Prime Minister Fumio Kishidaciting onerace against timeTo save the affected people.

Authorities confirmed at least six deaths this Tuesday morning (EFE)

Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) indicated after initial earthquake they registered 155 additional earthquakes whose magnitude was mostly greater than 3,

officials he urged population To avoid the risk of huge waves.

1.2 meter waves they reached high places wajima portIn Noto PeninsulaBut 16h21 (07H21 GMT), and other smaller ones were recorded elsewhere, including on the island Hokkaidoin the north.

But JMA announced the removal of all on Tuesday morning tsunami warning,

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said security agencies were in a “race against time” (Reuters)

He US President Joe BidenA statement offered “the assistance that is necessary japanese people,

He Defense Minister Minoru Kiharahe reported it 1,000 soldiers ready to go towards Area and what else 8,500 They were mobilized. officials also experimented 20 military aircraft For record the damage,

transportation authority turned off freeway in the area near epicenter And japan railway announced that high speed trains between tokyo And this Ishikawa Prefecture He was interrupted.

He GovernmentOn the other hand, it was specified that no results were recorded in nuclear power plants by country.

Television images show a massive fire that has destroyed several buildings in Wajima (Reuters)

In ishikawa and neighboring provinces Toyama And niigata Some? 33,500 houses They were deprived of electricity. Many houses collapsed in the city SuzuAccording to reports.

The damage caused by the earthquake mainly affected old houseWhich are usually made of wood.

He Government spokesperson Yoshimasa HayashiPointed to “six cases” of people who were in collapsed buildings In Ishikawa area,

images in Television he also showed massive fire He Destroyed many buildings in Wajima,

one in video on social networks Destroyed old houses could be seen. “is she Noto’s Matsunami District, We are in a terrible situation. please help us. my city is in one terrible situation“A person expressed his condolences in the recording.

“There is a huge fire. We can’t immediately say how many houses are affected“, said to AFP A local firefighters,

Many houses collapsed in Suju city (Reuters/Kim Kyung-hoon)

Some? cities of the Russian Far East He also released Alert for possible tsunami threatAlthough without proceeding to withdrawal.

vladivostok officialRussian city 600,000 inhabitantshe advised fishermen Return to port.

Overall they were registered in Noto Peninsula more than 50 earthquakes of magnitude 3.2 or more in a four-hour period.

is located in the so-called “fire belt” of peaceful, Japan It is one of the countries in the world where earthquakes occur the most.

According to Japanese officials, the earthquake had a magnitude of 7.6 (AP)

He Archipelago this applies extremely strict building regulationsTherefore buildings are usually able to resist strong earthquakeAnd this residents are used to For these types of situations.

But the painful memories of the earthquake of terrible intensity still persist in the country. 9.0 followed by a huge tsunami that in march 2011 reason a Destruction he left something 20,000 dead or missing,

That disaster also included a nuclear accident Fukushimathe worst recorded in the world since Chernobyl In 1986, Three nuclear reactors melted due to the tsunami. Japanese nuclear power plant,


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