Kim Jong-un calls for North Korean constitution to recognize South Korea as “enemy number one”

Kim Jong-un calls for North Korean constitution to recognize South Korea as “enemy number one”efe

North Korean leader, Kim Jong UnHas called for a review of the constitution to define South Korea as “hostile country number one”.Which represents a new example of the deep strategic and diplomatic turn Pyongyang is choosing.

On the first day of the current session of the Supreme People’s Assembly (Parliament) held on Monday, Kim gave a long speech in which he acknowledged that Washington’s policies supported by Seoul were going to destroy his country. They do not allow more room for maneuver than in preparation for a war conflict.KCNA agency reported today.

In line with messages made public by Kim in recent weeks, the North Korean leader assured that the Magna Carta should also make clear that there is no “reconciliation or reunification” with the South and that in the event of war “this will be taken into account.” It is important to keep “in mind the question of occupying, suppressing, and completely reclaiming the Republic of Korea (the official name of the South).” “Today the Supreme People’s Assembly End of nearly 80 years of North-South relations And legislate our new policy toward the South,” the North Korean marshal shouted, signaling a fundamental shift in diplomatic affairs that many analysts interpreted as the failure of the 2019 Hanoi denuclearization summit or Pyongyang’s progressive rapprochement with Beijing and Moscow. Gave warning after reconciliation.

Kim also said that “is growing military collusion between Japan and republic of korea is seriously harming our national security” and urged all government agencies “at all levels” to “take comprehensive measures for an immediate change in the war regime in the event of an emergency” and “to fully support national deterrence Prepare content from.”

The leader said that the government will immediately implement the decision announced over the weekend. Dissolve all civil exchange organizations with the South It was established over the past five decades to achieve rapprochement between the two neighbours, who are technically still at war as the conflict that preceded them (1950–53) was only brought to a close with a ceasefire. The harsh language used by Kim included his proposal Destroy symbols or effigies defending the idea of ​​peaceful reunification, something that has not been seen so far during his tenure. In particular, he advocated “physically cutting” the tracks of the old Gyeongui Line railway line – which connects both parts of the peninsula – until they are left “at an irreparable level” or the so-called Reunification Arch. It is a huge monument which is not demolished. It is located at the gate to Pyongyang when you drive into the city from the south.

“Too much harshness”

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol responded today, warning that Seoul would “punish Pyongyang more harshly” in the event of an attack. “If North Korea provokes us, we will punish them more harshly,” Yoon said during a cabinet meeting in Seoul today, according to the presidential office.


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