Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian are an expressive leur querelle!

Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian didn’t want to know what they wanted out of their fight!

Cela fait plusieurs années déja que Kim Kardashian et sa famille devoilent leur vie à travers des émissions de télé. Hulu supports the tribe return to a TV show called “Kardashian.”

Kourtney Kardashian is free to fight with Kim Kardashian

In the latest season of The Kardashians, fans were quick to point out that they tension is present between Kourtney and Kim Kardashian. Les deux ont eu de nombreux désaccords et semblaient s’éloigner l’une de l’autre.

Kanye West’s ex is waiting for anyone left alive and has a discussion group called “Pa Courtney” waiting for you throughout the day. C’est d’ailleurs un sujet qui avait fait couler beaucoup d’encre sur la Toile.

In an interview with E!, Selle, who gave birth to a child Petit Garçon Prénommé Rocky on parole. She admitted: “Nous sommes soeurs.” I thought that gens oublient”. But that’s not all.

As for the suite, Kourtney Kardashian said: “Ils disent toujours: ‘Comment vont-ils s’en sortir?’ et ils choisissent Leur Camp. The whole world is experiencing energy”. Selon elle, frequent controversies in the Beaucoup de Familles.

Kim Kardashian’s mother said: “Je suis sûre que beaucoup de gens ont eu des disputes between people with brothers and sisters”. In response to the revenge, she tout de même reconnu: “It’s possible that The only ones more extreme.

Kim Kardashian also explained that she dislikes her older sister. And so, meme, if this is déjà, it qualifies as “diva de toutes les divas.” Son tour, she chose everything she wanted.

“Il ya enorme idee fausse”

Kim Kardashian said: “Il ya une énorme idee fausse selon quelle Kourtney et moi nous détestons”. Elle alors my time à ces rumeurs une bonne fois pour toutes.

The mother of four stated: “Variment pa”. We remind you that she made a joyful statement in honor of the anniversary celebration. She proved that these things were very durable.

TV reality show candidate for the écrit award: « Anniversary joy of Rain Courtney. I’m not a person on this planet with what I’ve been through plus de times and what I’ve done to everyone baby souvenirs that you and all of us love.

Kim Kardashian also added: “Partager une chambre, des friends, des voitures et notre vie ensemble, pendant, four decades before this journey, plus the magic of adventures in the month of Kote”.

He also confessed all his love for his sister. “I love and hate living an encore of 45 years in an ensemble!” Je chérirai particulièrement ce dernier voyage entre sours où tous nos enfants ont organized dance evenings jusqu’à ce qu’ils s’évanouissent, comme nous l’avons tous fait en grandissant! »

Finally, Kim Kardashian concluded: « Je vous celebre aujourd’hui et je suis renaissance pour toujours de toujours donner les best advice for your sister ! ». A charming statement accessible to fans.