La Liga, Liga F and Rfef join forces to create a Coordination Committee

Spanish football unites. La Liga, Liga F and the Royal Spanish Football Federation (Rfef) have created a Coordination Committee. with the aim of “working together to develop Spanish football,” the parties explained in a statement.

RFEF President Pedro Rocha; La Liga President Javier Tebas and Liga F President Beatriz Alvarez formed this committee today in the football city of Las Rozas.

The goal is to work together to develop Spanish football., through joint commissions that will meet periodically for monitoring and evaluation and will perform executive functions. Thus, those issues in which disagreements may arise can be resolved through dialogue and agreements,” the letter emphasizes.

They will be part of those responsible for the financial, competition and legal areas.“Starting today, everyone will work together for the benefit of Spanish women’s and men’s football,” the statement said.

This is the first time that three organizations are working on a joint project of this level. However, Spanish football has previously reached several important agreements. In April this year, the president of the Association of Spanish Footballers (AFE), David Aganzo, and the Proliga, the association that protects the interests of non-professional football clubs, They signed a collective agreement so that the First Federation would be professional.

The news comes after years of disputes between the competition headed by Tebas and the body currently led by Rocha. The latest controversy involves the Rubiales case. On May 14, La Liga, which in April was required to serve as private prosecutor in the Rubiales case (also called the “Brody case”), requested refer the case to the National Court.

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