L’étonnant rebondissement and the end explained by the creator of this science fiction film
Yeah enemy We are completely satisfied, no questions asked. In search of a better understanding of the film, Garth Davis, the film’s producer, did not give an interview on the American website Entertainment Weekly et est venu sur certain moments. In 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) will become more important, with a note on ChatGPT. When we go through the texts or images that circulate on the Internet, les internautes sont de plus en plusé raise the question of whether these voyaient était réel, and if they are created for people or IA. This question is also central to the science fiction film. enemy available on Prime Video with Paul Mescal and Saoirse Ronan. Based on Ian Reid’s Roman eponym, this long meter features a pair of living hermits in secluded isolation in a future America. Even as climate change ravages the planet, the government’s new program must be tested on the viability of human space survivors and the ability to replace what is part of IA society. Junior (Paul Mescal) is the choice that squeezes the boulevard in his son’s marriage.
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What is the message of the film? enemy ? The implementer is not responding!
“What I wear in life is a central relationship. This is the heartfelt fight of history. Mais il ya also ces merveilleuses métaphores dans le roman: comment le mariage en decomposition reflète la planète en decomposition. I was also fascinated by identity and the question of knowing and commenting on what is real. This question is not related to the artificial intelligence car on people, and also requires a long-term relationship: forgiveness of our personality? Sommes nous replaced with the identity of our partner?“, I began to explain the realization. Si, au départ, under the impression that the film is directed directly against these stars, il est Finalement très terre à terre puisqu’il s’ancre sur un Para à la vie rural life. Hen (Saoirse Ronan) work when they serve an American diner, and Junior works at the Poulets restaurant.L’IA is an exciting part of what happens at parties for your servos that are not common to everyone and for you to reflect your humanity and your sensitivity– added Garth Davis. Il ya de la sensibilité dans les abres, il ya de la sensibilité dans tout, et nous avons une responsabilité à l’égard de tout cela. The poultry factory is interesting because it also has sensitivity, but the warons are simply in the production chain. Lorsk, this is IA deviendra humane, comment réagirons-nous? Allons-nous la traitor, like chickens?“
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Realist enemy explain sur le twist du film
This is a sentence of the font ainsi reference or the return of the situation in the real film enemy. Compared to the denouement, we fear that, as now, le Junior que l’on voyait était en Realité son sosie IA et non le vrai. Terrence, a man who works for the government, appears under other people’s names to fit the lifespan of Junior’s invention. A scene that makes you feel bad. Nu, allongé sur le sol, ce Junior est enveloppé d’une lumière rose et est recuvert d’un liquide étrange avant d’etre éteint. “Je vulais que ce soit also interested in what l’usine de pouletsdeveloper and implementer of the death scene of the false junior. Ils le dépouillent et le tuent comme un Animal Parce qu’il n’est pas humane. The cruel truth of this scene, à savoir que parce qu’il n’est pas humane, ils pensent qu’ils peuvent le Traer comme ils le veulent, était très puissante pour moi. In terms of implementation, I think the idea that the appearance of my world is a particular difference. Ainsi, the faithful light, which became the new debut of the film, and the light rose above death.“
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Chicken (Saoirse Ronan) that I voit à la fin de enemy with le vrai Junior (Paul Mescal) robot is ok
After the robot is destroyed, we learn that the young man is older, more isolated and has less emotion for his woman. I collected a meme in eavesdropping, as Hen pour le temps qu’elle a passé avec l’IA, qui était basée sur sa personnalité plus jeune. Elle en est effect tombée amoureuse. “She is not a link to the failed one, but more to the version of Marie’s son who retreated for the premiere. L’une des chooses que j’aime vraiment in this scene, c’est que l’on voit le vrai Junior, considering the version of lui-même en train de mourir, là, sur le sol. C’est presque comme s’il READAIT en arrière, quand il était libre“, concluded the implementer. And if ever something happens, then at the end of the film Hen part bien explorer le monde, tandis qu’un androide la remplace à la maison auprès du vrai Junior.