Lidl beats Zara Home with the most beautiful duvet cover that exudes quiet luxury (for €7.99)

The bedroom is for me one of the most important rooms in any home. This is the room where you must breathe peace and tranquility upon arriving home after a busy day. Although not all of us find this feeling the same. It could be a candle; a collection of books you like; an elegant lamp or a soft pillow. A thousand and one combinations are the ones that will help you create your dream relaxation area. And even more so when we are talking about such a personal room, where every object and element must cooperate to transport us to deep and quality sleep.

For me my world element is clear: bed sheets. There is nothing that gives me more peace of mind than seeing my bed well made with a print or texture that I love. And what could be better than entering your room and seeing a bed that you don’t want to get out of? Of course, I must admit that sometimes it played a cruel joke on me, when it also (I repeat too) pleased me.

This shoe storage furniture from Leroy Merlin is the most elegant and useful thing at the moment.This shoe storage furniture from Leroy Merlin is the most elegant and useful thing at the moment.


A narrow shoe rack from Leroy Merlin that fits in any corner and allows you to store more than just shoes.

Despite this, many times I have found myself searching for the perfect duvet only to be faced with very high prices. Let’s be honest: bedding can be expensive depending on its material and design. But, as always, we must not lose hope and from El Mueble we offer you a trick (and the place) where you’ll buy all your future bedding: Lidl.

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