Lose weight after 50: an easy way to speed up your metabolism and lose weight – Live

Losing a few kilos is a common concern for many, which intensifies with the arrival of good weather. Who hasn’t decided to go to the gym at the beginning of the new year or a few months before summer?

However, A sports routineIt’s not enough. Exercise is a key factor for losing weight, but to this we must add many others, among which the diet or lifestyle that we lead in daily life stands out.

Taking this into account, it is important to remember that each body is a whole world and what may work very quickly in some is perceived more slowly in others. Along with this, age is a determining factor when it comes to losing weight.

A teenager can achieve this much more easily without being overly strict if he sets his mind to it, but over the years our bodies become less and less willing to lose a few kilos. Especially after 50 years. Therefore, there are a number of techniques that we can apply in everyday life to lose weight.

Tips on how to lose weight after 50

As we get older, it becomes more difficult for our bodies to lose weight. The first aspect that we must implement in our routine, no matter how obvious it may seem, is do the exercises.

To increase what is called the basal metabolic rate, we must engage in some form of exercise for at least 150 minutes per week. On the one hand, cardio exercises, such as brisk walking or running, are very important, but to this we must add toning exercises, which force our body to burn calories faster.

Additionally, there are many activities in our daily lives that can be considered exercise, such as climbing stairs or walking to run errands.

We find the following two tips related to our diet. Second point control nutrition. It is not necessary to resort to a very strict diet, which is monotonous, difficult to follow and in many cases we skip it. Simply eating certain foods that help speed up your metabolism is enough.

Some examples are green tea after meals, cayenne pepper as a seasoning for food, or soy-rich foods. Along with this, it is necessary to drink two liters of water per day and a glass on an empty stomach.

On the other hand, it is very, very important. don’t miss it breakfast. It is a staple meal in daily life and also helps speed up your metabolism. Of course, not every breakfast is worth it. It should include “yes” or “yes” dairy products, whole grains and fruits, preferably whole and with peel. There are many options here: you can choose yoghurt with cereal or coffee with buttered toast and tomatoes.

The fourth aspect, which is fundamental, is take care of our dream. Good rest is very important to combat routine as well as the internal state of our body. Sleeping patterns help our metabolism. That is why it is advisable to leave electronic devices for a while before going to bed so that you can relax and go to bed in a good mood. And little sleep slows down our body.

The sum of these four tips can produce truly positive results for anyone looking to shed a few pounds. Of course, do not forget that every body is individual and not all of us can achieve the same goals at the same time.

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