Lucas Perez from La Coruña could surpass Messi’s incredible record this Sunday

Deportivo is experiencing one of the best moments in its history. The team wins and convinces, they have won seven victories in a row and scored 25 goals. One of the keys to this strip is Lucas Perezthe captain of the blue and white who “went down into the mud” to bring the team of his heart back to glory.

Lucas Perez’s numbers this season have been impressive and the streak he’s on now could help him surpass one of the best players of all time. Lionel Messi.

The Argentine achieved this record in the 2011/12 season. That year, the football star managed to score and provide an assist in five matches in a row. No one in the three main categories of Spanish football has achieved anything like this.

This milestone may be surpassed this Sunday by Lucas Perez, who He has scored and assisted in the last five games. against Fuenlabrada (4-1), Logrones (0-5), Tarazona (4-1), Osasuna B (0-4) and Lugo (4-1), matching Messi’s record. In these games, Deportivo scored more than four goals and added no more and no less than 21 goals.

Lucas Perez will have a tough time breaking the record as Depor face one of their toughest games in the rest of the league this Sunday. Visit the second one, Nastich, and set the record at number seven, They will have to score at least two goals in which they assist and score..

In addition to Lucas Perez’s record, the blue and white team could be one step away from matching its longest winning streak of nine and that it was in the 2011/12 season that he achieved Messi’s record, although in this case it was in the second division.

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