Maduro warns Guyana about claims in Essequibo

X: @presidentialeven

Nicolás Maduro highlighted the importance of the Chavista National Assembly in the popular consultation process on Guayana Essequiba, highlighting that it played a “fundamental role” in strengthening Venezuela’s position and leading to a great agreement.

He expressed, “AN played a fundamental role in the referendum to consult the people about Guayana Esquiba, which gave us great strength and we achieved a great agreement.”

In response to tensions in the region, Maduro also stressed that Venezuela is a country of peace and tranquility. “Venezuela is not a country of 1902, it is a country of peace that continues to work for economic development,” he said.

However, Maduro warned the Guyanese government about misunderstandings regarding Venezuela’s position in the territorial dispute. “Don’t let anyone fool you, starting with the Guyana government, they act like old British Guiana, make no mistake about Venezuela, I tell you gently.”

The Chavista leader concluded his intervention by affirming Venezuela’s ability to defend its interests. He declared, “Make no mistake about us, we know how to protect what’s ours.”

(tagstotranslate)Essequibo dispute

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