March against Gustavo Petro in main cities: Cali, Medellin, Barranquilla

This Sunday, April 21, P.P. second national march againstGustavo Petro is a resident of Colombia.

Some opponents of the Petro government have said that they do so because, for them, He has handled some things poorly during his tenure, mainly when it comes to reforms and what has happened around them.

“We are concerned about what is going to happen to the public force, the police and the army, because morale is at an all-time low due to the infiltration of guerrilla groups. Also, considering the intensity with which they are presenting the reforms and that they do not pass in the case of health reform, they want to implement it through decree. Also, the issue of drugs,” said one of the protesters and organizers of the march in Bucaramanga.

This is how the demonstrations are progressing in Bogota

picture:Sergio Acero Yate/El Tiempo.


Hopefully March in Bogota, Which starts at around 10 am in the morning in the National Park and its destination is Plaza de Bolivar, Become one of the busiest marches. The demonstration will travel throughout the Carrera 7th city center and is expected to reach its destination around noon.

The normal cycle path of the seventh will develop normally Between 7 am and 2 pm However, the district administration informed that A detour will be put in place at 72nd Street related to subway operations.


Coach horses can only circulate in the historic center of Cartagena.


Sunday’s march in Cartagena leaves from IIndia Catalina 10:00 am And the protest program is expected to end around noon The clock tower in the historic centre.

The protest of Protestants is to be carried out peacefully and without creating any disturbance in the walled city.

Opposition called in Cartagena Doctors, transporters and other sectors of civil society Generally marching against the government’s actions.

“The meeting of the people of Cartegena will take place at 9:30 a.m. in the Plaza de la India Catalina, outside the walls of the Heroic City. Protesters will march down Venezuela Avenue to the Public Clock monument. There we will dialogue with the public, between different sectors,” said lawyer Luis Alfredo Romano Ascanio, the opposition leader in Cartagena.


Medellin city.


Three starting points have been called for mobilization in the capital of Antioquia this Sunday, April 21.: Oriental Avenue with La Playa, Estadio del Metro station and El Poblado Park.

Mobilization is called upon to begin at 10 a.m. and end at Las Luces Park, Around La Alpujarra administrative centre, where a rally will be held.

“The idea is that we will hold a large demonstration in protest of Gustavo Petro’s attempt to become constituent and demand that the Congress of the Republic proceed with the impeachment trial for violation of campaign limits,” explained Andrés Rodríguez, councilor of Medellín city. Originator of the march in.


Petro government announces that Cali will host environmental COP 16: it beats Bogotá


Cali has once again joined the national call for mobilization, rejecting the policies of President Gustavo Petro. There will be a massive march this Sunday, April 21st. The starting point, as is traditional for large demonstrations, will be Las Banderas Park, A few meters from the symbolic Fifth Street. This is that road corridor It crosses the city from the north, passing through the center and reaching the south.

i am marchStarts at 10:00 am it will end Small square of San Francisco, in the center of Cali, in front of the government.


Barranquilla is preparing to experience a new day of demonstrations called this Sunday, April 21, at a national level, by opponents of the government of the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro.
In that sense, in the capital of the Atlantic, the organizers have agreed on a march Departing from Joe Arroyo Statue at 8:00 am Next to the Romelio Martínez Stadium.
The scheduled route will later take Calle 72 and then go to Carrera 54 until reaching Sanchez Park.
As of now, the district traffic and road safety secretariat has not officially announced the closure of roads and routes due to this mobilization. Considering the route of the demonstration, TransMetro operations in the northern region will be partially affected.
However, as has been the case in recent marches, traffic police will remain with the protesters, with the aim of enabling affected sections to move as the march progresses.


In Villavicencio, citizens gather at 10:00 a.m. on 40th Avenue, in front of the Chamber of Commerce headquarters, And from there they will travel to Plaza Los Libertadores in the city center.

Protesters gathered in Medellín, Bogotá and other cities.



As for Bucaramanga, the plan is to gather a crowd in Puerta del Sol around 9 a.m. After that, protesters will walk all the way from 27th Street to 56th Street and from there they will go to Centro Park. Where the protest will culminate with a stage on which cultural programmes, speeches, banners and dance will take place.

March against Petro government



The city of Ibagué will also join the national mobilization and it is estimated that thousands of citizens will protest peacefully against the decisions taken by President Gustavo Petro.

This was confirmed by Holman Guevara, a member of the Democratic Center in the Tolima department, who said that mobilization continues Departure at 9 am from 37th Street and Carrera Quinta, The most important route in Ibagué.

You will then move from Fifth to 11th Street in the city center to focus extensively on PManuel Murillo Toro ropes, in front of the governor’s office.

“The invitation is general, all the people of Tolima should march against the decisions that the national government makes every day,” Guevara said. “This will be a historic march,” he said.

performance in cali


In Villavicencio it will start from the Chamber of Commerce to Plaza Los Libertadores and in Tunja it will start from Sexta Shopping Center to Plaza de Bolivar.

Editorial – Nation – EL Tiempo

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