Marlene Jaubert expressed her love for Gerard Depardieu

In an interview with the magazine GalaMarlene Jaubert speaks out about the case of Gerard Depardieu while he was on tour in the film Pas si mechant que ça in 1975.

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After his debut in December, Gérard Depardieu found himself at the center of current events. And because the actor mishandled violence and sexual aggression, it became a fact that item number one was unreleased. Addition to requestdans lequel des images extrêmement choquantes ont été devoilées. Lors d’un voyage en Corée du Nord film by Yann Moy, le septuagénaire is a variety of sexual allusions, a pendant to visit in Kharas and ten obscene proposals for a woman of a petite girl aged 10. If five people sign the platform for their speech, then others, like Sophie Marceau, will be released.son attitude Grossière et déplacee“.”Il ne s’en prenait pas aux grandes comédiennes, plutôt aux petites assistantes“, said at-elle. Paris match.

Marlene Jaubert as Gerard Depardieu

Dans un entretien according to the magazine GalaMarlene Jaubert also mentioned the novel by Gerard Depardieu. “I’m playing with you in this world Pas si mechant que çain 1975, an era where parole was never allowed“, admitted the elderly actress, who was counting the number Addition to request I have consecrated the sacred monster of French cinema. “Il ya quelque chose in his son mutual understanding by gender, which is the price of a pathological illness. He mistakenly believed it was a disease. Il y en a qui sont atteints par la boladie d’Alzheimer, lui est devenu cet homme dont le discours ne va pas“I think this is the wrong time for a comedy career for kids.”And obviously I have a lot of respect for what I do for the victims.“, he concluded.

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Eva Green, daughter of Marlene Jaubert, victim of sexual harassment

Couple’s chance“Marlene Jaubert, as an actress, is never the victim of inappropriate behavior.”I don’t know if you have problems with this cat. On me faisait la cour mais ou bien ça m’interessait ou bien ça ne m’interessait pas“I confess to a comedian who was waiting for parole from sexual violence committed in the world of cinema. In 2017, Marlene Jaubert confirmed that Eva Green’s daughter was Harvey Weinstein’s abusive sex life for several more years.”My daughter Eva was a victim. This persistence, he insists that the pendant is a plus for me to go to Paris il l’appelait. She didn’t answer (…) She was intimidated, this was the opportunity to talk about her! (…) Il a du lui Mettre Tellement de bâtons dans les roues, car il était vexé“, avaitelle révéléé au micro d’Europe 1.

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