Martinic humorist Thierry Adele presents a new spectacle… “Je suis comme un poisson dans l’eau sur la scène”…

Comedian and Martinist humorist Thierry Adele presents a new play “Mi mwen mi wou” on the stage of the Grand Carbet at 3 Mars at 17.00. On this occasion, the comic explodes in his long car.

Thierry Adele is a well-known figure in Antilles comics. More than 30 years later, comedians and humorists convey the ability of characters to delight audiences with their characteristic humor.

Thierry Adele discovered his talent as a comedian at a young age.

After all, I will have children, I don’t know what to do, if I have to, I’m interested. My friends and I talk about little troubles and how beautiful it is in an Australian school.

By the way, your friends have the last name “EPADE”, which means “Emmerdeur Public Assermenté Diplômé d’Etat”.

Thierry Adele’s career has turned into an annual workout. “Le dorlis de ces dames”, “Gwo pwel”, “Les Makoums”, comic Martinique brings success.

It all started with meetings at the Regina Regional Drama Centre, and that’s where the adventure began. (…) You have a chance to meet Jocelyne Regina soon during the Bankulele mission that will create the Union in Martinique. It’s a weekend rendezvous in Dallas at Notre Chelle. And that’s what it’s all part of. This is fait plus d’une trentaine d’années.

Thierry Adele does not like to play in everyday life.

Je suis un tout petit peu plus quiete au quotidien, j’aime bien chambre les autres. J’aime bien rigoler. I’m saying that part of the choice between being an artist, a comedian, and the person that I am is.

In his career, Thierry Adele is an interpreter of many characters. When you ask for a cell phone that is kind to you, he replies that it is not in your country.

I love all the characters. Je suis un artiste. I’m talking about the roles of men, women, children, children, adults, “old women” in the languages ​​of Martinique. We look forward to seeing your role here among the seniors.

A car for glasses, Thierry Adele is inspired by his surroundings.

I inspire the affairs of society. I say everything with glasses on. I’m talking about politics, I’m talking about the current situation, I’m talking about youth. I said a few words about how our travels and all the tours in the future seemed to tell me that people had abandoned me. (…) Life is a great theater play.

Thierry Adele invites the public to attend the new performance “plein d’humour, qu’il voit comme une therapie”.

Cassav and the words “Zuk La Se Sel Medicaman Nou Ni”, just like me, this is what was made by vaxin nou ni. Alors qu’il viennent se faire vaccinar et on peut prendre autant de dos que l’on veut. (…) Pour moi, un humorist dislikes my two memes. If you chose a few minutes before the scene, you chose the ones you chose and you died. And that’s what I love about humor, maybe improvisation. On est à l’aise. This time Jocelyne Regina wrote “il me laisse des ouvertures” for me. Je suis comme un poisson dans l’eau sur la scène.

Over the course of his 30-year career, Thierry Adel has produced many young talents. Having a mentor encourages them.

Il ya beaucoup de jeunes qui se lancent et je leur dis d’y aller franchement. I don’t avoid it. This is work that pays. C’est-à-dire, apprendre ses textes et mettre en scène. This is not some other solution. La monnaie c’est la sueur, il faut suer.

If you’ve got a good dose of humor, buy a ticket to Thierry Adel’s new play Mi mwen mi wou, which will be shown on the Grand Carbet stage on March 3 at 17:00.

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