Maximo Kirchner and other representatives join the protest

On the second day of debate on the omnibus law in deputies, the previous day’s protests were repeated in front of the National Congress. There the left called its militants and some key people to protest against the Bases law promoted by Xavier Miley and which is being discussed in the lower house. Taking advantage of the tension, Kirchnerism came out to play its game,

There was a scuffle At least one arrested and one injured, Also, after 6:30 pm, protesters blocked Rivadavia Avenue, while gendarmerie vehicle They momentarily disrupted traffic in Entre Rios. The gendarmes advanced on the protest, using tear gas and pushing and shoving. And the delegates took advantage of the platform.

At first, the protests grew political with the intervention of the left, before the Gendarmerie advanced. as Nicholas Del CanoWho then returned to the campus shouting with attempts to stop the session.

Within minutes, representatives of the Union por la Patria appeared on the streets, With Maximo Kirchner on top, Kirchnerism also wanted the session to be suspended with a request for a fourth intermission but this was rejected.

“We are debating, we sat for several hours without any decision,” the former vice president’s son complained as he attempted to speak to the press while surrounded by militants and guards.

In a show of strength he said: “If I said no to Alberto (Fernandez) then how am I going to say no to this thing about (Javier) Miley. I have always been consistent with my views, bad, good, but always consistent,

Maximo Kirchner in the midst of insurgency in front of Congress.  Reuters Photo / Augustin Markarian. Maximo Kirchner in the midst of insurgency in front of Congress. Reuters Photo / Augustin Markarian.

As that protest is remembered for the number of stones thrown at security forces and Congress in 2017, when Mauricio Macri’s government intended to carry out pension reform, now, Once again, the Kirchnerist Bloc and the Left showed themselves to be almost in sync Road, while leaving the premises where the debate on the omnibus law was going on.


Union Ex la Patria and Left Front MLAs approached the police fence.

March on Congress: At least one arrested and one injured

Meanwhile, the subject who was arrested is a 25 year old young man, without predecessors. His arrest took place in the afternoon and he was transferred to Neighborhood Police Station 1A.

City police arrested him by court order due to his hostile attitude, leading to charges of resistance to authority flagrant disobedience, The accused had MST cloth flags along with cane sticks and were a hired out Social organizations that make up the Piquetera Unit, the Left Front and the Workers’ Party, such as the carrier,

During the day Other arrests were also made on behalf of the federal forces That they implemented anti-picketing protocols, but beyond that confirmation and despite insistence, then there was no accuracy The amount was consulted this Thursday by official sources.

Meanwhile, after six in the evening, a person reached the square. Bite wound on pear. After gaining initial attention at the scene, he was the one who picked her up to take her to the medical center.

There were conflicting versions about his status. Some protesters indicated that they were hit by a police officer’s shield. However, eyewitnesses claimed that he was attacked near the Congress and he rushed to the intersection injured for treatment.

The left column marched along Callao Avenue. In the front row were Gabriel Solano, Vanina Biasi and Néstor Pietrola, as well as Polo Obrero picketer leader Eduardo Beliboni, who lay on the ground at Wednesday’s protest and who accused gendarmes of hitting him with their shoes. Thursday, beliboni He fell on the floor again and this time the same thing happened Removed from the square on a stretcher and with the assistance of S.A.M.E.,

Tension was felt from the beginning, as remains of the increase in violence with which the demonstrations ended on Wednesday, which included attacks against legislator Ramiro Marra and liberal militants in addition to fighting between federal security forces and protesters.

There was tension due to the seizure of posters of leftist groups.  Photo Juano Tessone There was tension due to the seizure of posters of leftist groups. Photo Juano Tessone

The atmosphere became quite tense at 5:30 pm. There were clashes between police and protesters. Even the Buenos Aires security forces took the mst flagsOne of the organizations present at the march.

Gabriel Solano said, “They acted like a gang, that’s not the police. Stealing flags is a gang. They didn’t do it or, if they did, they didn’t do it ostentatiously. It’s an act of provocation.” Buenos Aires MLA. The enthusiasm cooled down with the arrival of him and other leftist leaders. Another notable presence was: Emilio Perisco from the Evita movement and former official of the Ministry of Social Development during the government of Alberto Fernández.

Police around Congress.  Photo Juano Tessone Police around Congress. Photo Juano Tessone

In addition, another squad of protesters arrived early in Congress, which had gathered in front of the Casa de Mendoza and which the City Police had directed towards the square to prevent them from blocking the street.

The Buenos Aires force thus behaved in accordance with Patricia Bullrich’s anti-strike protocols. Buenos Aires Security Minister Waldo Wolff explained, “This is an order from the head of the government: We only cut traffic when we feel that traffic needs to be cut in a certain place and at a certain time because of the number of people.” Needed.” , Congress Bhavan has been cordoned off.

Groups of protesters were surrounded in the square and at some bus stops. However, after 6:30 pm, they came out on the road. Rivadavia was cut off, by protesters, and by Entre Ríos, by Gendarmerie vehicles. On Wednesday, gendarmes formed up to evict them. One of those visible on the front lines was Deputy Nicolás del Cano, who briefly gave up his seat in the lower house to join the protests.

Protestors threw shells, there were scuffles and the Gendarmerie fired tear gas.

The first was a note of color: the impressionable Millie Dolly walked around with a sign (“dump her”, inscriptions, and a photo of the libertarian) against Millie. This had already been noted in other calls against the President, including the CGT march on 25 January.

Impressive Milky Dolly, against the omnibus law.  Photo Juano TessoneImpressive Milky Dolly, against the omnibus law. Photo Juano Tessone

Militants from the Frente Patria Grande associated with UTEP and Juan Grabois were also expected to arrive this afternoon.

“They will not be able to starve the people with clubs. Today everyone is in Congress to stop the law and the DNU to peacefully defend the social rule of law in Argentina. At 6:00 pm meet in Hipólito Yrigoyen and Solís .The country is not for sale,” said the social leader.

For his part, Wolff assured that the security strategy maintains “unified command”, with the joint actions of the City Police – in the second ring – and the ultimate presence of federal forces, federal police, gendarmerie and prefectures in the surrounding area. it occurs. Congress .

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